Taffy O'Callaghan
Re: Northumberland Development Project
Love it, a smile for a Monday morning.
With pleasure.
Love it, a smile for a Monday morning.
With pleasure.
Met her once, can't fracking stand her.
Whilst studying Politics we were given a unique opportunity in the run up to the general election to have a Q & A with her. Whilst many licked her ass I asked her the following:
"If you were proven wrong by recent research in the arctic and other parts of the World that global warming was in fact just another cycle in Earth's life and not man made, would change your approach or policies?"
She looked stunned, then went onto say how that couldn't even be answered as her lot had already been proven right and it was a pointless question. Although my lecturer was impressed by it, especially as it had turned into a brown nose contest. Further more after the Q & A she spoke and shook hands with all the students, as I spoke to her she looked as if some had p!ssed on her chips. All politicians have to have their defense mechanisms due to the meticulous approach of finding weaknesses in argument and sometimes character but f@ck me she's the Thatcher of the left, disagree with her and you're wrong, end of story.
Back to the Politics of our own stadium, is there word on when the CPO decision will be made?
This is where the promotion (which you might call 'success') comes into play. Also they have fan coaches from outlying areas that don't suffer the repeated re-scheduling of matches.
Sort of backs what I said.
Other local factors with Brighton - only sizeable club in Sussex, no neighbouring clubs (unless they play in the French leagues), ground built next to (new?rebuilt) railway station, recently given City status, green council (no green race riots to date). Oops - getting a bit flippant there.
The Plot is 36 acres, so the space available for the stadium is the equivalent of around 25 football pitches.That looks an awfully tight squeeze. Not sure what US planning regs are like, but wouldn't be surprised to see it turned down if it was this part of the world.
beckham could teach levy a thing or two about getting a new stadium going
Doesnt that just want to make you move to Tottenham to get in early before the prices go up? . . . . . . errr maybe not.
EXCLUSIVE: Why The New Stadium Has Stalled
Posted by: Harry Hotspur March 26, 2014 in Tottenham Hotspur 4 Comments
My thanks to a relative of family that own Archway Sheet Metal for getting in touch.
My take on this whole business is that nobody from Archway can recall the time that they placed a note on the gates of this business, saying “We’d like to relocate – tenders welcome.’
Of course, nobody can remember that happening, because I just made that scenario up.
Where we are at with this is that Archway have lost their appeal against the CPO and it has cost them a packet. The grim reality of the protracted litigation that Archway has been forced to undertake, simply in order to protect itself from ENIC, has left the business with legal costs in excess of £500,000.
My understanding is that the family are now exploring other routes in order to safeguard all that they have achieved.
Another option are the European Courts, but again, this will incur phenomenal expense.
What was offered by ENIC was manifestly inadequate. The family voted, and the vote was in favour of standing against the assault upon their business.
The head of the family is a 70 year old gentleman who, quite frankly is utterly disinterested in applying for a loan in order to relocate his business.
Wha? A loan? I here you say… but surely these Archway mob are on a Lottery Win here? Surely the only worry this lot have is what colour Ferrari to order?
The deal that Archway have on the table at the moment from ENIC is the relocation of the business to a block of land that ENIC own further down near the North Circular, with all costs covered plus planning expenses paid to build a new factory.
Archway would then have to fund the cost of building a new factory and all other associated building works costs, from scratch. This is a huge amount of money.
Yes, the land being offered is significantly bigger than where Archway are, but how does that benefit them when they’re faced with a well of debt in order to just reproduce what they have currently? The offer isn’t bad, but Jesus wept, it isn’t good.
A Ferrari? With ENIC writing the cheques, this lot will go from owning a modest, happy going family concern, to scanning the local paper for deals on previously enjoyed Micras.
The family that own Archway are in actual fact, quite possibly, precisely the type of people that ENIC and THFC and Boris have all referenced in their new world order for Haringey. Hard working types who will play their part in the regeneration of the community.
So what do ENIC have planned for Archway Sheet Metal works?
Yup, you got it. A Levyesque deal that leaves them worse off than they were, before they met them.
But then this informative rebuttal pokes a few holes in The Boy Hotspur's premise:
You write that what was offered by ENIC was manifestly inadequate. That is absolute poppy**** as it’s the local authority that both issues the CPO and decides on a reasonable compensation. To explain who has the authority to issue a CPO, I have copied the following:- ‘A compulsory purchase order (CPO) is a legal function in the United Kingdom and Ireland that allows certain bodies which need to obtain land or property to do so without the consent of the owner. It may be enforced if a proposed development is considered one for public betterment; for example, when building motorways where a land owner does not want to sell. Similarly, if town councils wish to develop a town centre, they may issue compulsory purchase orders’.
In this case it’s Haringey Council who have issued the CPO under the Tottenham Strategic Regeneration Framework. This is not about ENIC and Tottenham Hotspur because the ENIC development content is but a fraction of the overall framework and there are many more CPO’s issued to facilitate this framework which will have a lifespan of many years, forecasted to finish in 2025.
The compensation from a CPO is governed by law and is spelled out in the ‘Compulsory Purchase and Compensation booklets’ issued by the Deputy Prime Minsters Office ‘Compensation to Business Owners and Occupiers’ and to quote from that publication ‘When dealing with land for which there is a general market or demand, compensation is based on the market value of the land. In exceptional circumstances, such as specialised land for which there is no general market, compensation may be assessed by considering the cost of providing an “equivalent reinstatement” of the property’. So accusing ENIC of offering inadequate compensation and only offering a site ‘up the road’ without compensating for the reinstatement of the business is incorrect on two counts because a) ENIC don’t make any offer for the land, Haringey Council does that and b) the law states that owners get market value for their property and that it is the Local Authority who make the offer seeing as it’s they are acquiring the land. The present owners may not be satisfied with the value that has been put on their land but in the case of a dispute on value, another independent valuer would be appointed to ensure that the price offered was fair and reasonable in current land markets for the area. The problem I understood was that the present owners didn’t want to move and were fighting a losing battle trying to overturn the CPO.
To write ‘So what do ENIC have planned for Archway Sheet Metal works? Yup, you got it. A Levyesque deal that leaves them worse off than they were, before they met them’ is hateful and maybe even libellous but blaming them without checking your facts is typical of all the fake predictions and forecasts you have been making since the sacking of Harry Redknapp.
His readers clearly love him.
I have some update on the stadium. As we all know the Club are awaiting a CPO regading Steel Archway. The Club also upped their offer to them to vacate to around £3.5m. This summer THFC are moving all their offices out of the stadium to where the new tech college is going and their current offices will only be used on match days. The Club are confident works will start this year and be complete for 2017/18 season. However this could be brought forward if we moved out for a season (two poss destinations - Wembley and wait for it....West Ham!). By all accounts funding is in place for the stadium works. It is correct that Spurs did change Architects and there is currently a designer based permanently at the stadium. The club are hopeful a new planning application will not be needed, the kop feature will stay and i am lead to believe there may now only be corporate facilities in the east and west stands though I expect there to be lots. Capacity aim is the same ie 56,000 to 60,000. The main change to the design is the introduction of lots of glass (sorry cannot expand more on this feature as I dont know any more that that). NFL team is still very much on the cards though the only effect this will have on design would be the pitch and the design as previously reported.
Just a word of caution, you may want to change your username. It took around 10 seconds to find out who you are and what you do.
Law, economics, and their relationship to the built and natural environment are central to Land Economy, along with other areas such as business regulation, the financial aspects of real estate and international development.