Soccer. Franchise. US.
Such horrible horrible words (Sorry all Americans on the board) when one thinks of football. But I think you're spot on!
Yep, story making the rounds ..
Could be a brilliant financial move for us
- Help fund the stadium
- Help close the gap between us and money doping lot
- Continues to push awareness of our brand in US
Yep, story making the rounds ..
Could be a brilliant financial move for us
- Help fund the stadium
- Help close the gap between us and money doping lot
- Continues to push awareness of our brand in US
And could really knacker up the pitch. Imagine if we have a wet autumn/winter or whenever the yanks play this thing and they play a game on the Sat and us play on the Sun or mid-week - it would hardly give us a plaing surface condusive to a decent passing game would it?
The Mirror 'journalist' will have got the story from here or Twitter! Wouldn't take it seriously. Not doubt Levy has or is exploring an opportunities however. I think there would invariably be some serious compromises with an NFL stadium, the fans couldn't be as close to the touchline and you have to accommodate another pitch. I would be surprised if it happened.
Phuck it, lets get baseball, basketball, ice hockey, rounders, table tennis, the whole 9 yards.
I would go to nfl games at the lane and Wembley, I have come around to it.
But I wouldn't attend games at any other clubs ground. I reckon a lot of partisan non spurs footie fans would stay away from the lane too.
On the whole it sounds a great idea for us, for London and for the nfl.
It is all about the pitch though, just cannot see a viable solution. Squirrelling away an artifical surface and repeatedly setting it out safely for 25 plus stone monsters to play on must be impossible.
Nah, not for me. We're talking about the home of Tottenham Hotspur for the next century or more. I want it to be OUR ground, not some half-baked compromise made in an effort to fulfill another American money-making wet dream. Their tedious sodding game will only ever be a niche interest in Europe, and after all the fanfare, when the experiment eventually fell flat on its аrsе and the yanks declared a victory and walked away looking for something else to satisfy their greed for more, we'd just be left with a massive white elephant. Perhaps we might offer free rides on the sliding pitch to help stop the machinery rusting away. No thanks, Todd, go and balls up someone else's legacy for the next 100 years instead.
I think that's what will happen, but it won't necessarily be a white elephant that is left. We'd still use the slide out bit for concerts. First and foremost it will be a purpose built football stadium. We're just using American hubris to pay for a big part of it.