"I could fudging murder a bacon sandwich"Reminds me of this tweet I saw this morning
I had no idea what it meant until I saw the you tube clip mentioned in one of the comments on the tweet thread.
(Four Lions - another film I must watch).
"I could fudging murder a bacon sandwich"Reminds me of this tweet I saw this morning
I had no idea what it meant until I saw the you tube clip mentioned in one of the comments on the tweet thread.
(Four Lions - another film I must watch).
People missing live events with their eyes (because their eyes are focussed on their phone screen) to get a couple of minutes of absolute dogsh1t footage on their phone than they can then post on social media. This applies to all live events.
Yup, full of tossers.Football forums
Yup, full of tossers.
Neymar's hair.
Actually, Neymar.
Football forums
So what should have been an enjoyable match of football - the 3-3 draw between Spain and Portugal - was just an irritating display of one team full of big players from big clubs playing against another team full of big players from big clubs, neither of whom I wanted to get anything out of the game.
Everything about the modern game, abacus game players ( who in many cases have never kicked a ball in anger) thinking they know better then managers, couch potatoes ( who in some cases have never been to a proper game) doing the same thing. Greedy agents screwing every penny they can take out of the game, fans who winge during EVERY transfer window because our club does not throw countless millions into transfers( like the money doped clubs do). Sky and the likes changing kick off times for those same couch potatoes and without thinking about those we actually get of their arses to go to games.
I love Spurs ( and always will) but the game and a lot of those who follow it stink.
Add to my list people who say ‘abacus game players’- I’ve never heard anyone say ‘abacus’ in real life, not sure where this little saying comes from...
Players not behaving like men by falling to the ground, hand in face and then pounding the ground with their fists in agony. Book the weak pricks.
Add to my list people who say ‘abacus game players’- I’ve never heard anyone say ‘abacus’ in real life, not sure where this little saying comes from...