Gutter Boy
Tim Sherwood
If I was a top footballer with a very boring English first name, I'd insist on having it on my shirt. Like Pat or Bob or something. That would teach em.
Would be great

If I was a top footballer with a very boring English first name, I'd insist on having it on my shirt. Like Pat or Bob or something. That would teach em.
A wing? That's not college mate!Kids all have tossy names these days don’t they so the traditional English names will be cool.
In my class at school we had someone called Simeon and he was called Stupid Simon as we couldn’t cope with anything that exotic.
As an aside whe. I went to college I was in a wing with four blokes called John, a Neil and a Richard.
You’d be lucky to meet a John or a Dave or a Steve under 25 now.
Most of the players and fans, all need to grow up.
Most players are kids ..
Some of the brick from grown ass adult fans on the other hand ...
Let's hope they don't choose Coldplay.