So you thought when you said 'clean slate' a few posts back that he would suddenly shut up? Or were you just laying the groundwork for 'I tried to give him a break'? You knew he was likely at some point to yap something, right?
Thats what he does. Sherwood yaps. He mouths off. He says stupid stuff at times. He can make himself look a fool. He is immature at times. He lacks business acumen and PR skills. He isn't the best 'front man' or image for a club. Media and press love it, and will pursue and provoke it. He's a quote. It sells. It gets a response (like in here, though some hate the media). Many times I've thought 'Tim, shut up FFS!'. But, he is unlikely to change. Tough concept for some to grasp, but thats the way he is. People wanting him to be somebody else are likely to be disappointed. He is what he is. I think we agree on all that, right Steff?
However, different people then choose how they react to it (if at all) and pursue it. For me, its not that important what he says. Especially now. I know how he is and so I keep a perspective. Maybe part of that is because I for one knew how he was before he even became our manager. So it wasn't that surprising to me. I knew about him when he was a player. I knew people who socialized with him and I got some feedback. What I'm saying is, I think we mostly agree on the content or the source thereof. The reaction variance with different people, which can be huge at times, comes thereafter.
No. That is in YOUR head mate. I don't work with such agendas in life, let alone on a fudging message board.
YES, I DID know he was liable to 'spout' but think about it, TWICE in under 24 hours he has talked gonads already??? Laughable.
As for your protestations on reaction, you might not choose to react to what he says, but you choose to react to what you perceive as negative reactions towards him. So don't fool yourself mate, you're part of the game here.
Again, good luck to the geezer and hope he does well, but so far as not laughing at hime when he says stupid things? Not going to happen. Finally, I am never too sure how 'well' you 'knew' him, but I am getting the distinct impression you know people who know might surprise you to realize that you are not alone in this.
Fin ally mate, yes, absolutely, we would agree that he is who he is. I am stunned he has seemingly not learned a single thing from prior experiences, but there we go, he might yet prove me wrong on that front too. And as a glass-half-full bloke, I'd be delighted if he did!!!!
Anyway, be well mate, life's too short to spend too much time debating him, let's get back to discussing Spurs!