I had a desperately close session this morning after my morning coffee, I parked my rear end comfortably on the throne, and spat a good'n - nothing new. Then my own personal hell was realised - no fudging bog roll.
It turns out the cleaner threw a sickie last night.
Anyway, after considering my options which ranged from phoning for help, hoping it was a no wiper, and using my boxers as toilet paper. I was literally up brick creek without a paddle. After some rather tense contemplation, and a turd burger later, I decided to take the James Bond of solutions to avoid eternal ridicule and also ruining my chances with the office hottie - all very real consequences with some of these options, not to mention being on a one way ticket to the dole queue.
I timed the average time I had where no other employees were in the toilet, and decided that I had a ten second window for what I decided to term as 'operation brick storm'.
In summary it involved doing the brick shuffle to the next cubicles with my trousers around my knees, meat n two veg out in the open in the endless persuit of some closure to this messy and sordid affair - the potential repercussions of failure were immense so brick storm had to succeed.
I heard the door close and took my chance, I was striding like a drunken crackhead but I managed to find some bog roll in the second cubicle, I then breathed a huge sigh of relief as I turned the lock to commence wiping which was clearly needed. As I did so I had a nice little rewarding surprise as I felt a second wind coming, oh what joy as a great adrenaline fueled bowl thumper emerged and set me up for a great day. I had slightly more of a smirk on my face than any toilet user should have when leaving a toilet and had a few funny looks, if only they knew.....