Jimmy Cantrell
Brook made a mistake going up in weight to fight GGG, got whooped, got an injury and took too much out of him in the weight changing.
Said it at the time and stick by that
Said it at the time and stick by that
I missed the Groves fight -- a shame, because I like watching him. Pleased he got his win.
I don't agree with Bellew's comments either; Brook had already got up from a knock-down and faught back hard. Given what has already happened to his other eye, I can't blame him for calling it quits when he did.
Kinda tough to see what is out there for him now at Welterweight, he needs to move up to 154Ib but none of the champions are that attractive in terms of money other than Canelo and I get impression he wants a few money spinners. Khan would be the obvious choice for a big pay day but Brook needs to forget 147 for that but Khan knows that his only chance of beating him at that weight.
If its not been taken down, somebody put the Groves fight on YouTube yesterday
Good finish from Groves, the other guy was pretty tough too.
I was surprised to hear that Spence was 5, 3 and 1 round ahead on all the judges cards. After 8 rounds I'd say it was 4-4 or even 5-3 Brook (I tend to favour the champion if the round is too close too call). I think LM is where Brook should go, the twins are there for the taking and if he focuses and has a warm up then he could clean up the division or at least get one of the belts.
I was surprised to hear that Spence was 5, 3 and 1 round ahead on all the judges cards. After 8 rounds I'd say it was 4-4 or even 5-3 Brook (I tend to favour the champion if the round is too close too call). I think LM is where Brook should go, the twins are there for the taking and if he focuses and has a warm up then he could clean up the division or at least get one of the belts.
Khan is just wasting his career really, barely boxed in the last few years and is wasting his prime.
I think Tyson is understating it. I just hope Floyd gives him everything rather than dragging it out 3 or 4 rounds to make the spectacle worthwhile.Tyson reckons Macgregor will get smashed by Floyd. Pointless fight except for their bank balances.
So who thinks the Joshua-Klitschko rematch will happen?
Sky's headlines yesterday suggest so, but if you listen to the actual interview with Hearn, Klitschko still hasn't indicated his interest. They're expecting to hear back this week. So the conclusion jumped to is somewhat empty for me at this stage.
I can't see Klitschko faring any better in a rematch than he did first time around. Probably, he fares worse. He should have won the first fight in my opinion, but it doesn't automatically follow that a rematch is a good idea for him. He improved greatly from the Fury showing, but he still hadn't adjusted his 'safety first' mindset enough to be victorious. In fairness to him, Joshua did look finished (for a few rounds at least) from the end of round 5 onward, so perhaps his approach wasn't all that off. The comeback Joshua produced was phenomenal, and he'll be even more confident next time. The only way Wlad wins a rematch in my opinion is by KO'ing Joshua clean, early. He's capable of doing that, but it just isn't 'him'. And in any case, if it does go 'bombs away', the odds are in Joshua's favour, so it probably isn't an advisable tactic. So it's hugely unlikely. He's a better boxer than Joshua, but outboxing him over 12 rounds, or more importantly staying out of the way of trouble, looks equally hard to see. Afterall, he couldn't manage it the first time.
I'd be surprised if he takes the fight, but who knows. We'll find out soon enough.
It doesn't make much sense for AJ at this stage either. Let's face it , it was on a knife edge for a good few rounds and Klitchko has the intelligence to adapt his strategy. Plus it was a gruelling fight, although AJ learnt a lot you don't want to many gruellers close together (like Brook).
That said, if Klitchko doesn't do it now, he's hardly gonna do it in 2/3 years time.
Well the obvious take away he had from the first fight is to finish AJ when he looks out on his feet.How would he do that though? I can't see a strategy that he could adopt in which he isn't second favourite.
If he goes looking for the knockout, it's at best 50/50 for him, and more likely stacked in Joshua's favour. If he tries to stay away and out-box Joshua, well, I could see that working up to a point, but I can't see him getting through 12 rounds of it without Joshua breaking through at some point, as happened in the first one. If an opening came, he'd have to take it, which means a level of risk he's become uncomfortable with.
I don't know. As I said I can't see him taking the fight. He doesn't need the money, and he actually seems somewhat content with the credit he's been given in defeat. Will he risk that against possibly going out on a heavier loss? We'll soon find out.
Well the obvious take away he had from the first fight is to finish AJ when he looks out on his feet.
And it wasn't as if it was a small window, AJ was almost in Bruno zombie mode for nye on 3 rounds.
It all added to what was an epic fight. (especially for heavyweights), and I think that is the reason it won't happen again. Neither will want to go thru something similar so soon. There is not a lot for AJ to gain. And Klitchko looked to have trained to perfection for the fight and still lost. So???I agree, but it won't just be a replay of the first fight. If it was, that would be the answer (and I'd back him to win). I think Joshua would come at him harder & earlier next time. But who knows, maybe not....we know now that Joshua's stamina is far from faultless, so maybe he wouldn't actually risk that approach? Hard to say.
The Bruno comparison is spot on by the way, I had the same thought! The resemblance was uncanny at times.