Jimmy Cantrell
Eubank being a lot more measured than the first fight. Keeping his guard up this time.
Think if Smith does him again tonight he retires.
Decent fight TBH
Eubank being a lot more measured than the first fight. Keeping his guard up this time.
Think if Smith does him again tonight he retires.
Smith needs a Knockout. Eubank has been solid tonight . Third fight possibly or Smith bows out been retirement talk even before first fight.
Battered him, TBF the first fight he was getting it and found a hail Mary.
Enjoyable fight, wouldn't wanna see a 3rd
Joyce rematch tonight and also Connor Benn fighting again
How many weeks before the fight will Fury pull out? My moneys on 10.
Dec 23rd is looking likelyAll signed yet no date is a bit odd, sounds like usual boxing noise.
I've thought that for a while but I thought it might just be meGreat KO
Warrington turned pretty unlikable in recent years, glad he got that
I've thought that for a while but I thought it might just be me
Haha no mate, he was a home town warrior at one point and likable, but between him and his old man can't be having him