Vinnie Samways
It's a bricky way to treat fans at a tough time
what’s the alternative that doesn’t devalue the product going forward?
It's a bricky way to treat fans at a tough time
what’s the alternative that doesn’t devalue the product going forward?
They've been showing it at no additional cost for months, so any steps to charge more is not going to devalue the product. What they are doing though, is ripping off British based fans. If you live in the US, you can get a whole month for less than the price of a day pass
that’s always been the case, there are ways around paying of course.
I just don’t see the complaint in charging for something that wasn’t gettable before covid.
I don’t think if this is the model moving forward it will be this much.
My main issue is only making it available through a day pass. You're paying £15 but will really only have interest in one game. I'd happily pay extra for a monthly Spurs TV season ticket
is it much difference than paying for Sky / BT for the month?
Spurs are not on every week
I do personally think this is the beginning of the end of BT/Sky - PL will be working on a platform
It is if you are unlucky and none of your games is selected for regular broadcast. That would make it an expensive month.
I agree on a platform. That'd be good
if you choose to pay for them all, but that wasn't an option beforehand
also, they weren't being given away for free, the BBC showed what, 7/8 games in total in the month, I'm pretty sure they didn't show any of ours?
I think that they've pitched it at the wrong price point and they'll drive more fans to streams than will take up PPV.
Other than in the UK you can watch all games!
is it much difference than paying for Sky / BT for the month?
Spurs are not on every week
I do personally think this is the beginning of the end of BT/Sky - PL will be working on a platform
Those people are going to stream anyway, thats already how they were watching the games, this will attract new customers, who don't mind paying to remove all the faff and have a solid stream that works on any device. It's a fair price when compared to a cinema or theatre ticket.
Something good will come out of this if that happens.
The same people would just move across to run and present on the PL streaming platform. Cup and European games would still probably be on the current broadcasters.
You may be right mate about that, but anything that kills the Sky and BT greed will be a good thing.
I doubt that a PL platform would be any cheaper. It's undoubtedly use the same presenters and pundits. The benefit would be if all games would be broadcast live and old games were available on demand.
Again you may be right, the damage Sky caused the game will never be changed now i guess.
The next tv deals will be interesting as I doubt very much Sky & BT will be able to pay the billions they currently doI think that it was the PL and CL that caused the damage. Sky just paid what they were asking