Cecil Poynton
really can't believe some of the responses to my post here, if costa was playing for us and he did that to Koscielny, he would be a hero, at the end of the day I want to see my team win, and they won't do it by shaking hands at the end of the game and having a beer with each other, this is a man's game and its physical, I don't really care if the opposition gets a black eye, I'd take silverware over being bottom of the fair play table.
Costa's behaviour is unacceptable in my opinion. I prefer players like Graham Roberts who play hard and mostly fair. Costa's jabs in the ribs, clawing at people's faces etc. don't belong, IN MY OPINION, at Spurs. We have had hard men in the past but I don't recall any who have the pure 'street fighter' approach of Costa, who is in a similar league to Suarez, except that he has control over what he does. Mr. B, would you like Suarez at Spurs?