An extra distraction for the chavs, got to be good news for us?
It's a good result i think. The more games they have to play the better it is for us.
An extra distraction for the chavs, got to be good news for us?
An extra distraction for the chavs, got to be good news for us?
I don't mind. At least a couple of extra games for Chelsea that might distract their league form. It is not as if they have any chance of winning the CL anyway.
Have they won it?
Have they won it?
An extra distraction for the chavs, got to be good news for us?
So i take it Chelsea won the CL tonight? Congrats to them, always knew they had it in them...
What? They only qualified for the last 8? I suppose a nice spanking by real/barca/bayern will knock them back a peg.
"It" being the second round of the Champions League
They could get an easy draw straight to the final.
APOEL, then the winners of Benfica - Marseilles.
Wrong wrong wrong!
Don't led that old chestnut fool you.
It's called momentum. Chelsea have it. Arsenal have it. We don't!