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The Goon Thread

Rooney looked good in central midfield.

---------------De Gea------------
---------------Van Persie-----------
Ossie, is that you?
I have to say, I'm very chuffed for RVP

He'll finally get a good shot at winning a trophy

Delighted for him

Finally? His goal tally over the last few seasons has been:


Of course this has mostly been because of injury problems, but the point is that it was only the last couple of seasons in which his total contribution was outstanding.
I think this makes United the team to beat in the title race. It's between them and Emirates Marketing Project. Di Matteo was the luckiest manager in the world last season, but you can't fluke your way to a title.

Don't see it, quite honestly City have no weaknesses outside of personality issues, Manure has issues all over the park except the front line.
Look, they're the Goons. They're ****s, and likely always will be until they get rid of the unending arrogance and delusion they've always possessed. However, in Van Persie's case, they're not that different to us. Player screws over the club who stood by him to leave for either one of the traditional big boys or a sugar daddy-funded plaything. Well run, sensible clubs like us and Arsenal can't compete with this model, and probably never will be able to. The stadium might help in our case, and has probably helped in theirs, but in the end, they're still at a disadvantage compared to the debt-funded superclubs. And so are we. Neither of us will pay stupid wages, so neither of us will be able to keep our players for as long as the rich boys, so we'll always be at a disadvantage. Sigh.
Look, they're the Goons. They're ****s, and likely always will be until they get rid of the unending arrogance and delusion they've always possessed. However, in Van Persie's case, they're not that different to us. Player screws over the club who stood by him to leave for either one of the traditional big boys or a sugar daddy-funded plaything. Well run, sensible clubs like us and Arsenal can't compete with this model, and probably never will be able to. The stadium might help in our case, and has probably helped in theirs, but in the end, they're still at a disadvantage compared to the debt-funded superclubs. And so are we. Neither of us will pay stupid wages, so neither of us will be able to keep our players for as long as the rich boys, so we'll always be at a disadvantage. Sigh.

But we wouldn't sell a player to one of our closest rivals and help them to finish above us. It just underlines that Arsenal's priority is financial strength over silverware.
Don't see it, quite honestly City have no weaknesses outside of personality issues, Manure has issues all over the park except the front line.

United have a manager who makes the team play better than the sum of its parts. City don't.
Finally? His goal tally over the last few seasons has been:


Of course this has mostly been because of injury problems, but the point is that it was only the last couple of seasons in which his total contribution was outstanding.

Apparently though he was only good last year, they seem to forgot his 18 in like 16 at the end of the season before which again got them a CL place
Mentioned this earlier - but would Hernandez be looking for a loan away this season? Welbeck apparently just signed a new 5 year deal plus he's the golden English boy so his chances would be considerably diminished, imv

Would love him at Spurs, fantastic player
Hernandez is a great player, but similarly to Defoe, might not be 100% ideal for our system. We need to be looking at targetmen, not players that hang on the shoulder of the last defender.
so its 15 mill up front and the rest in add ons for RVP.....cheeky deal from whiskey nose
Utd has made another step away from us with this signing, and Arsenal a step closer to us. That's the way I see it. One thing for sure is that it probably means Berba is off.
Arsenal are idiots. Can't believe they are selling their top striker to their most hated rivals. Shows you how far Arsenal have gone down in recent years.