Didier Zokora
Agree with Mick here.
My history......I was on Virgin (.net) which was provided via BT copper cable and was subject to things like trees overhanging cables and all sorsts of brick.
After months of drop-outs, and denial by BT that anything was wrong, I switched to Virgin cable. Since then, I have NEVER had a drop out, and achieve around 95% of the advertised speeds.
Simples. Virgin cable is the way to go.
Yeah, my speed test on Virgin fibre optic is giving me 16ms ping, with 9.75Mbps connection. And to be honest I throttle the brick out of it. I can run multiple downloads and still get movies streaming on the Xbox on Netflix with no interuption. Even better, Virgin are doubling all customers speeds through the year. They aren't perfect (TV on demand ahs the odd grumble and the phone line at my old place was a complete pain in the arse) but the fibreoptic broadband is pretty bullet proof.
Billy, that speed test is appalling mate, I'd be telling them they are in breach of conract, you might as well be on dial up. I hate anything to do with Carphone Warehouse/Talk Talk.