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'Soldier beheaded' outside barracks in Woolwich

Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Usually in retaliation maybe? Its happened in Egypt yeah - but only in retaliation cos they have had enough of the lack of protection. Did you know that Morsi (the President) wanted to charge Christians in order to continue protecting them? Hows that for them being ****s.

In rsponse to your first and initial reply - I was just playing devils advocate and I guess playing along with others on here. In all honesty like I said not all Muslims are 'bad'. I still do not know the motive for this killing and not sure if there has been conclusive evidence to suggest what the motive was. All I have seen is the video where he continues to talk about people leaving muslims alone. Which is ironic because in Egypt its the Muslims who should leave us alone.

In todays society i would say yes, its more in retaliation from the stories i have heard

but i'm more disturbed by people making statements about a creed when they arent versed in it

that act of butchery does not seem at all like an Honour killing
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

you have the power to be a very dangerous person if you can convince people that what you are saying it the truth cause it isnt. especially above.....the quran as far as what i have been told in some very intense discussions is part of a string of messages that make up the whole statement. but it is the last one, believe it or not but the jews and muslims have alot of stuff in common. there is even a lot in common with christians......except for the big elephant in the room of the messiah being Christ.

Whoever told you that was wrong. Five minutes on google would have told you that.

Every single word in the Quran was uttered to Mohammed by the angel Gabrielle, who memorized it and his scribes wrote it down - so the story goes.

Well obviously Islam has a hell of a lot in common with Judaism and Christianity, and it's blatantly obvious that, despite being illiterate, Mohammed clearly read both the Torah and Bible and nicked a lot of their stories - that's called plagiarism!

Be careful what stories you hear about Mohammed though. Because there's barely a historical reference from the time about him. Any story you hear is likely to originate from at least a hundred and fifty years after his death.

It's likely he actually came from Syria and, whatever anyone says about him, he was obviously an exceptional man, and the religion he helped invent was a force for good.... 1400 years ago!
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Whoever told you that was wrong. Five minutes on google would have told you that.

Every single word in the Quran was uttered to Mohammed by the angel Gabrielle, who memorized it and his scribes wrote it down - so the story goes.

Well obviously Islam has a hell of a lot in common with Judaism and Christianity, and it's blatantly obvious that, despite being illiterate, Mohammed clearly read both the Torah and Bible and nicked a lot of their stories - that's called plagiarism!

Be careful what stories you hear about Mohammed though. Because there's barely a historical reference from the time about him. Any story you hear is likely to originate from at least a hundred and fifty years after his death.

It's likely he actually came from Syria and, whatever anyone says about him, he was obviously an exceptional man, and the religion he helped invent was a force for good.... 1400 years ago!

Nope sorry, its you that is wrong. Either that or you didnt understand what i was saying

" a string of messages that make up the whole statement. but it is the last one"

the string of messages is not whats in the Quran alone. its what was taught by the prophets of the past TILL Mohammed received his message. they all count. you saying that they are null and void is blatantly incorrect and completely divisive.

i didnt argue where he got the message from or that the book was entirely what he was told, what i am calling you up on is that things before it dont matter. they clearly do ...and Muslims are encouraged to take that into account cause the message in the Koran taken in isolation doesnt give Muslims the full statement / picture. Its ALL supposed to be taken together as a statement and its supposed to be taken fully in context for when and where it was written

google is what you use to get an opinion and deeper understanding of things? how long on google did it take you to rebuff stuff tha

t Muslims will quite happily inform you about themselves man?

have to admit the plagiarism thing you said genuinely made me laugh. He didnt nick it, he acknowlegded it. Big difference...and he would have to seeing as Islam came from the message he got , as the final part of a statement given to the prophets before him..who were jewish

Like i said, you remind me of some very dangerous people that i have come across. people that go all out and wrongly educate people on some very serious and sensitive subjects , and because those people believe them ...it forms the bases of their philosophy to a class of people that they have no idea about

someone told that EDL guy about the Muslamic Ray Guns.......fudge me if the poor dude didnt take that to heart and on board
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

In terms of plagiarism etc;

Identical Life Experiences
It is written that both Horus and Jesus existed before their incarnations.

Horus was born of the virgin Isis on December 25th in a cave/manger.

Horus' birth was announced by a star in the East and attended by three wise men.

The infant Horus was carried out of Egypt to escape the wrath of Typhon. The infant Jesus was carried into Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod. Concerning the infant Jesus, the New Testament states the following prophecy: "Out of Egypt have I called my son." (Matthew 2:15)

He was a child teacher in the temple and was baptized by Anup the Baptizer when he was thirty years old.

He had twelve disciples and performed miracles such as feeding bread to the multitude and walking on water.

He raised one man, El-Azar-us, from the dead.

He transfigured on a mount.

He also had titles such as the "way, the truth, the light, the Messiah, GHod's anointed Son, the Son of Man, the good shepherd, the lamb of GHod, the Word, the Morning Star, the light of the world.

He was "the Fisher," and was associated with the lamb, lion and fish ("Ichthys").

Horus's personal epithet was "Iusa," the "ever-becoming son" of "Ptah," the "Father."

Horus was called "KRST," or "Anointed One.

He was crucified, buried in a tomb and resurrected.

The adoration of the Virgin and Child is connected with both the adoration of Isis and the infant Horus and the adoration of Mary and infant Jesus. In the catacombs at Rome are pictures of the baby Horus being held by the virgin mother Isis, the original "Madonna and Child."

Concerning the writing of the Gnostics, C. W. King, a noted English author, says: "To this period belongs a beautiful sard in my collection, representing Serapis,...whilst before him stands Isis, holding in one hand the sistrum, in the other a wheatsheaf, with the legend: 'Immaculate is our lady Isis,' the very term applied afterwards to that personage who succeeded to her form, her symbols, rites, and ceremonies" (Gnostics and Their Remains, p. 71).

Osiris, Isis, and Horus are the principal trinity of the Egyptian religions. GHod the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit is the Christian trinity. Dr. Inman affirms the Egyptian roots of the Christian trinity "The Christian trinity is of Egyptian origin, and is as surely a pagan doctrine as the belief in heaven and hell, the existence of a devil, of archangels, angels, spirits and saints, martyrs and virgins, intercessors in heaven, gods and demigods, and other forms of faith which deface the greater part of modern religions" (Ancient Pagan and Modem Christian Symbolism, p. 13).

Dr. Draper says: "For thirty centuries the Egyptians had been familiar with the conception of a triune GHod. There was hardly a city of any note without its particular triads. Here it was Amum, Maut, and Khonso; there Osiris, Isis, and Horus" (Intellectual Development, Vol. I, p. 191).

Dr. Draper stated: "Views of the Trinity, in accordance with Egyptian tradition, were established. Not only was the adoration of Isis under a new name restored, but even her image standing on the crescent moon reappeared. The well-known effigy of that goddess, with the infant Horus in her arms, has descended to our days in the beautiful artistic creations of the Madonna and Child." (Conflict, p. 48).

Mrs. Besant believes that Christianity has its main roots in Egypt: "It grew out of Egypt; its gospels came from thence [Alexandria]; its ceremonies were learned there; its Virgin is Isis; its Christ, Osiris and Horus."

There are two stories connected with Horus that is analogous to stories found in the Old Testament. The hiding of the infant Horus in a marsh by his mother undoubtedly parallels the story of the hiding of the infant Moses in a marsh by his mother. When Horus died, Isis implored Ra, the sun, to restore him to life. Ra stopped his ship in mid-heaven and sent down Thoth, the moon, to bring him back to life. The stopping of the sun and moon by Isis recalls the myth of the stopping of the sun and moon by Joshua.
gifter has a point. there was an ancient religion prior to all the ones that currently is around. and many teachings can be found in that religion

but gifter....the Horus birthdate. is that legit?
Not sure, just recalled reading a more comprehensive essay on it years ago. Certainly elements are clearly lifted from previous incarnates. Mohammed acknowledged Jesus and Buddha as prophets of GHod did he not though? Legitimising the use of elements as I see it.

Negative forces can put a bind on the most divine of souls though, sadly.
Not sure, just recalled reading a more comprehensive essay on it years ago. Certainly elements are clearly lifted from previous incarnates. Mohammed acknowledged Jesus and Buddha as prophets of GHod did he not though? Legitimising the use of elements as I see it.

Negative forces can put a bind on the most divine of souls though, sadly.

Wonderfully put. Sad it has to be 'put' at all...
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

the string of messages is not whats in the Quran alone. its what was taught by the prophets of the past TILL Mohammed received his message. they all count. you saying that they are null and void is blatantly incorrect and completely divisive.

I'm sorry but you are just wrong, the story of Moses and all the other prophets is retold in the Quran. Everything from the Old Testament is regarded as being corrupted by Muslims. Moses and Jesus are considered by Muslims to be Jewish in race but Muslim in faith.

Other than alleged sayings and actions of the Prophet Mohammed, which appeared a long time after his death, the only book of any relevance to a Muslim is the Quran.

Personally I don't particularly care what anybody believes. If someone needs something like religion or heroin to help them get through life, it's their business not mine.

But when they start chopping off people's heads and flying planes into buildings it becomes my business.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

I'm not going to say there isn't sectarian strife in Egypt, it can get very bad and I have a lot of sympathy for Copts. My wife and I try to do what we can for inter-religious dialogue whenever we go to see her family there. Its difficult, its slow but we do what we feel we can and should.

However DHSF, I follow Egyptian politics pretty closely and haven't read such a news story. Can you link me to a reputable source (in either English or Arabic, I can read both) of Morsi wanting to charge Christians in order to protect them?

You know what I think? As others have said, there's bad in religion. And there's good in religion. Each and every one (except perhaps Jainism or those Buddhist monks that are so against any killing of life that they sweep the floor ahead of them to ensure they kill nothing). And people from every single one of them use them to their own ends. Because people are tacos.

A lot of the hatred comes from complete ignorance though. And I'm not talking about ignorance of your own texts but ignorance of other people and their beliefs. In Egypt, I've heard some exceptional theories regarding both Christians and Muslims from the other side. Some of the most vitriolic anti-Islamic views I've heard have come from Egypt (Sunnis talking about Shiites). Same in Lebanon (except in Lebanon, the Shia and Sunni sometimes also have incredible theories about each other, despite living in the same country). I have some Reform and Orthodox Jews who live in this country who tell me that there are some pretty unsavoury views in that community as well regarding Muslims and Arabs. And the same in the Muslim community here as well. The same will exist in every single community.

I've found that helping people to talk and helping people to get to know each other helps overcome these views. In the same way that you're more likely to support full gay rights if you know gay individuals and count homosexuals amongst your friends/ family, if you converse with people of other religions, even if you still fundamentally disagree on matters of politics or religion, you find that you can come together on a lot more issues and at the very least be civil towards each other. In my experience anyway.

As a general rule, you educate, you reduce heavily religious extremism. If people are relatively educated, have a job, partner and kids, they're generally going to be too busy dealing with their brick to get involved in all this mess.

What a fantastic post.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

I'm sorry but you are just wrong, the story of Moses and all the other prophets is retold in the Quran. Everything from the Old Testament is regarded as being corrupted by Muslims. Moses and Jesus are considered by Muslims to be Jewish in race but Muslim in faith.

Other than alleged sayings and actions of the Prophet Mohammed, which appeared a long time after his death, the only book of any relevance to a Muslim is the Quran.

Personally I don't particularly care what anybody believes. If someone needs something like religion or heroin to help them get through life, it's their business not mine.

But when they start chopping off people's heads and flying planes into buildings it becomes my business.

For someone that doesn't care what anybody believes, you're really banging on a particular drum. And if it has become your business because people commit acts of evil on another living being, I assume you are talking about people from all religions using their faith to justify acts of hate and violence?
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

I'm sorry but you are just wrong, the story of Moses and all the other prophets is retold in the Quran. Everything from the Old Testament is regarded as being corrupted by Muslims. Moses and Jesus are considered by Muslims to be Jewish in race but Muslim in faith.

so what am i wrong about again. Muslim as it happens isnt even a faith. Your talking about
Islam. Islam isnt technically faith but rather A faith and belief in a message, its the message. Moses and Isa and Ibrahim etc are all considered to be prophets of the One True GHod and His message. They dont think the old testament itself is corrupt they believe that the messages in the Old testament has BEEN corrupted by Jewish people, yet they still acknowledge the message as the Truth, part of it anyway. A quick representation of what i am saying with that last comment is for instance ,If you listed out all the names of the prophets in order and put mohammed at the end, the concatenated word of all those names together would be the whole statement / message

The only compulsory book for Muslims to know as well as possible is the Quran but they are not encouraged to completely dismiss the teaching in the Ancient texts of the Torah or the Bible. They have to acknowlegde that as a relevant past from where their faith comes from.

having said that they completely disagree with the interpretations of whats in the actual text for the other books. go figure

but you are standing there saying that everything before the Quran is null and void. completely wrong and i dont know what the word is for constantly put out misinformation to gather opinions of a like mind and influence other people's opinions to said mindset but its that too.

this reminds me of when i was first humiliated by a white friend of mine after i tried to argue that darwin was a scientist and not a racist. off the back of what i was told / taught in my school in Nigeria from a curriculum set out in the distant past by British colonials .

How is it that we dont have a single Muslim guy giving their opinions on some of this stuff on here?
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

You know what Chich? Rather than drop in and pop off a few comments about 'nazis (the left)' why not be big and explain yourself? I don't think there's a person here who doesn't think this is a total disgrace and that these two utter plankton should be kept off our streets.

The nazi left are those liberal elite the judges the people that sit on human rights council etc who care more about the rights of others then the majority. It is like nazi Germany because there if you critcised hitler you would be pulled to account, for a great many years here if you ever even questioned immgration or multi cultral idealogy you were labelled a racist.

That is how the left work they try to stop all debate they dislike, so they will blame "right wing tabloids" i browse the online papers most nights including the guardian and the indy and i do not seem the same stories about the benefits that people who shout out in the street death to britain get. To me it seems the lefts positions is to go straight away to protect a minority and if there is not one make one up. The BBC is a case in point.

Anyway you can confirm this with crawley and scarmanga but in the last month i have emailed the security serivces about 2 members of this board who i believe to hold extreme left wing views. It is why i went across to be a member of the fighting **** for a bit. I have pretty much given up the internet because it is full of extreme left wing nutters who wish the death of my country. But in a last act i will help the security services as best i can stop the people who wish to detroy it from within.

Anyone who voted for labour or the liberal demcorats has blood on their hands over this in my opinon.

@ Gordinho, there have been so many reports into the case of why left wing governments always support mass immgartion and the conclusion is always because they feel it is likely to boast their popularity in elections. Even Labour have come out and admitted to it, lso the is a clear case between mass immgration and white flight from the cities which then leaves a lack of intergration.

It is because the left hate Britain and change it to represent what they want. Yet when a politican leaves the houses of parliament late at night they get a taxi paid for because it is unsafe for them to catch the night bus. What about the guy or girl finishing work late from a hotel or office or shop? they do not matter as long as the ubber liberal elite are safe.

I imagine this post will be dismissed as a ramble it is wwhat the left love to do and do so well rather then engage in discussion just throw mud.

This website died because of the rabid communists on it talking nasty vile rubbish trying to rewrite history. But at least the security services are now aware of you.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

The nazi left are those liberal elite the judges the people that sit on human rights council etc who care more about the rights of others then the majority. It is like nazi Germany because there if you critcised hitler you would be pulled to account, for a great many years here if you ever even questioned immgration or multi cultral idealogy you were labelled a racist.

That is how the left work they try to stop all debate they dislike, so they will blame "right wing tabloids" i browse the online papers most nights including the guardian and the indy and i do not seem the same stories about the benefits that people who shout out in the street death to britain get. To me it seems the lefts positions is to go straight away to protect a minority and if there is not one make one up. The BBC is a case in point.

Anyway you can confirm this with crawley and scarmanga but in the last month i have emailed the security serivces about 2 members of this board who i believe to hold extreme left wing views. It is why i went across to be a member of the fighting **** for a bit. I have pretty much given up the internet because it is full of extreme left wing nutters who wish the death of my country. But in a last act i will help the security services as best i can stop the people who wish to detroy it from within.

Anyone who voted for labour or the liberal demcorats has blood on their hands over this in my opinon.

@ Gordinho, there have been so many reports into the case of why left wing governments always support mass immgartion and the conclusion is always because they feel it is likely to boast their popularity in elections. Even Labour have come out and admitted to it, lso the is a clear case between mass immgration and white flight from the cities which then leaves a lack of intergration.

It is because the left hate Britain and change it to represent what they want. Yet when a politican leaves the houses of parliament late at night they get a taxi paid for because it is unsafe for them to catch the night bus. What about the guy or girl finishing work late from a hotel or office or shop? they do not matter as long as the ubber liberal elite are safe.

I imagine this post will be dismissed as a ramble it is wwhat the left love to do and do so well rather then engage in discussion just throw mud.

This website died because of the rabid communists on it talking nasty vile rubbish trying to rewrite history. But at least the security services are now aware of you.

Who are you referring to?
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

The nazi left are those liberal elite the judges the people that sit on human rights council etc who care more about the rights of others then the majority. It is like nazi Germany because there if you critcised hitler you would be pulled to account, for a great many years here if you ever even questioned immgration or multi cultral idealogy you were labelled a racist.

That is how the left work they try to stop all debate they dislike, so they will blame "right wing tabloids" i browse the online papers most nights including the guardian and the indy and i do not seem the same stories about the benefits that people who shout out in the street death to britain get. To me it seems the lefts positions is to go straight away to protect a minority and if there is not one make one up. The BBC is a case in point.

Anyway you can confirm this with crawley and scarmanga but in the last month i have emailed the security serivces about 2 members of this board who i believe to hold extreme left wing views. It is why i went across to be a member of the fighting **** for a bit. I have pretty much given up the internet because it is full of extreme left wing nutters who wish the death of my country. But in a last act i will help the security services as best i can stop the people who wish to detroy it from within.

Anyone who voted for labour or the liberal demcorats has blood on their hands over this in my opinon.

@ Gordinho, there have been so many reports into the case of why left wing governments always support mass immgartion and the conclusion is always because they feel it is likely to boast their popularity in elections. Even Labour have come out and admitted to it, lso the is a clear case between mass immgration and white flight from the cities which then leaves a lack of intergration.

It is because the left hate Britain and change it to represent what they want. Yet when a politican leaves the houses of parliament late at night they get a taxi paid for because it is unsafe for them to catch the night bus. What about the guy or girl finishing work late from a hotel or office or shop? they do not matter as long as the ubber liberal elite are safe.

I imagine this post will be dismissed as a ramble it is wwhat the left love to do and do so well rather then engage in discussion just throw mud.

This website died because of the rabid communists on it talking nasty vile rubbish trying to rewrite history. But at least the security services are now aware of you.

:ross: You are the gift that keeps on giving.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

The nazi left are those liberal elite the judges the people that sit on human rights council etc who care more about the rights of others then the majority. It is like nazi Germany because there if you critcised hitler you would be pulled to account, for a great many years here if you ever even questioned immgration or multi cultral idealogy you were labelled a racist.

That is how the left work they try to stop all debate they dislike, so they will blame "right wing tabloids" i browse the online papers most nights including the guardian and the indy and i do not seem the same stories about the benefits that people who shout out in the street death to britain get. To me it seems the lefts positions is to go straight away to protect a minority and if there is not one make one up. The BBC is a case in point.

Anyway you can confirm this with crawley and scarmanga but in the last month i have emailed the security serivces about 2 members of this board who i believe to hold extreme left wing views. It is why i went across to be a member of the fighting **** for a bit. I have pretty much given up the internet because it is full of extreme left wing nutters who wish the death of my country. But in a last act i will help the security services as best i can stop the people who wish to detroy it from within.

Anyone who voted for labour or the liberal demcorats has blood on their hands over this in my opinon.

@ Gordinho, there have been so many reports into the case of why left wing governments always support mass immgartion and the conclusion is always because they feel it is likely to boast their popularity in elections. Even Labour have come out and admitted to it, lso the is a clear case between mass immgration and white flight from the cities which then leaves a lack of intergration.

It is because the left hate Britain and change it to represent what they want. Yet when a politican leaves the houses of parliament late at night they get a taxi paid for because it is unsafe for them to catch the night bus. What about the guy or girl finishing work late from a hotel or office or shop? they do not matter as long as the ubber liberal elite are safe.

I imagine this post will be dismissed as a ramble it is wwhat the left love to do and do so well rather then engage in discussion just throw mud.

This website died because of the rabid communists on it talking nasty vile rubbish trying to rewrite history. But at least the security services are now aware of you.

may i ask , are you over 60?

edit:- plus, in all honesty i dont get what you are saying about Nazi left and right wing stuff. pretty sure the Nazi's killed, raped and intimidated people that didnt follow their ideals with physical force and guns and stuff. They had fun mocking other races and religions that didnt conform. is that what the left wing extremists are like?

if you were to put yourself in a wing. is that Nazi left, Nazi right or Nazi middle?

i feel like you want to say something about ethnic minorities in Britain but you keep dancing around the houses like you are worried about something or some kind of backlash. personally speaking as long as you dont come after me with tools then i think you should be free to speak your mind
Last edited:
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

The nazi left are...

...This website died because of the rabid communists on it talking nasty vile rubbish trying to rewrite history. But at least the security services are now aware of you.

Mate, PM me if need be.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

The nazi left are those liberal elite the judges the people that sit on human rights council etc who care more about the rights of others then the majority. It is like nazi Germany because there if you critcised hitler you would be pulled to account, for a great many years here if you ever even questioned immgration or multi cultral idealogy you were labelled a racist.

That is how the left work they try to stop all debate they dislike, so they will blame "right wing tabloids" i browse the online papers most nights including the guardian and the indy and i do not seem the same stories about the benefits that people who shout out in the street death to britain get. To me it seems the lefts positions is to go straight away to protect a minority and if there is not one make one up. The BBC is a case in point.

Anyway you can confirm this with crawley and scarmanga but in the last month i have emailed the security serivces about 2 members of this board who i believe to hold extreme left wing views. It is why i went across to be a member of the fighting **** for a bit. I have pretty much given up the internet because it is full of extreme left wing nutters who wish the death of my country. But in a last act i will help the security services as best i can stop the people who wish to detroy it from within.

Anyone who voted for labour or the liberal demcorats has blood on their hands over this in my opinon.

@ Gordinho, there have been so many reports into the case of why left wing governments always support mass immgartion and the conclusion is always because they feel it is likely to boast their popularity in elections. Even Labour have come out and admitted to it, lso the is a clear case between mass immgration and white flight from the cities which then leaves a lack of intergration.

It is because the left hate Britain and change it to represent what they want. Yet when a politican leaves the houses of parliament late at night they get a taxi paid for because it is unsafe for them to catch the night bus. What about the guy or girl finishing work late from a hotel or office or shop? they do not matter as long as the ubber liberal elite are safe.

I imagine this post will be dismissed as a ramble it is wwhat the left love to do and do so well rather then engage in discussion just throw mud.

This website died because of the rabid communists on it talking nasty vile rubbish trying to rewrite history. But at least the security services are now aware of you.

the paranoid ramblings of a madman.