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Sick sick world what is wrong with people

Did not realise David Starkey was like that, had always liked him before. Did not realise he was far right. Some of history shows my wife really enjoys. No way am I letting her watch them again.

Yeah he is a well known class traitor. Came from a working class background, voted Labour and then began worshipping Thatcher and took eloclution lessons.
It's hard to tell if that was the initial aim. Had the police essentially legalised racist marches like the Met have for the last year, there might have been less trouble.

Obviously the correct response is for the police to stop all racist marches and not hide behind "There were too many of them" but cowards gonna coward.
You are a force for evil
decided against taking my son to football training tonight. cant take the risk of driving as a brown man on a night the far right are looking to make noise.
What area of the country you in. The was a handful of chavs in Churchill Square Brighton earlier. But a few Asians walking past with no bother, looked more like they wanted to go on the Rob.

Not defending stealing before any hysterics have a go at me. Anyone committing a crime should be arrested.

One thing I will say is that the counter protests by the young Asians they are far better dressed then the white ones.

People can think what they like as long as they don't go to violence, but GHod they dress so awfully the is no excuse for that. If you think the country can not house anymore people fine. But have you seen what some of them are wearing, and for gods sake buy a rucksack not one of those ugly shopping bags from Sports Direct.
What area of the country you in. The was a handful of chavs in Churchill Square Brighton earlier. But a few Asians walking past with no bother, looked more like they wanted to go on the Rob.

Not defending stealing before any hysterics have a go at me. Anyone committing a crime should be arrested.

One thing I will say is that the counter protests by the young Asians they are far better dressed then the white ones.

People can think what they like as long as they don't go to violence, but GHod they dress so awfully the is no excuse for that. If you think the country can not house anymore people fine. But have you seen what some of them are wearing, and for gods sake buy a rucksack not one of those ugly shopping bags from Sports Direct.

It's all a bit of a 'wine and cheese' chortle isn't it. Every so often in these whimsical posts you enjoy during these 'hysterical' times, you toss in a small stink bomb. It smells and no-one can quite source it.

ON REVISION/ADVICE OF OTHERS, I may well have misinterpreted what you meant there. In which case I apologise.
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Sorry. There is so much crap on X at the moment I don’t like to post any of it. But this is someone I thought had at least a modicum of intelligence. I mean how can you even compare the two? Even a macaron should realise that bringing a case against someone in a crown court for a triple murder, who may well be pleading not guilty or diminished responsibility might just take a bit longer than someone being charged for throwing a brick or hitting old bill.
This whole 2-tier thing is getting ridiculous (although I guess many non-white people could talk to a 2 tier system being in place for many a year) and it’s just another way of stirring the pot.

Edit - Huge correction - the author is not who I thought it was. No idea who this bloke is.
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Sorry man.

I’m so ashamed of this country right now.

Your shame is misplaced, you can't label the country because of a few thousand mindless thugs, it's the same thing as people blaming all Asian for terrorism and black people for knife crime. These rioters should be dealt with by police and if they aren't up to it use the army, an extreme measure but this virus must be stamped out quickly, these people threaten all of our safety.
Your shame is misplaced, you can't label the country because of a few thousand mindless thugs, it's the same thing as people blaming all Asian for terrorism and black people for knife crime. These rioters should be dealt with by police and if they aren't up to it use the army, an extreme measure but this virus must be stamped out quickly, these people threaten all of our safety.

They are a product of their environment.

That we allowed to evolve.
They are a product of their environment.

That we allowed to evolve.

I agree they are a product of the environment but question "WE" have allowed it. We have little power to change anything, Brexit came about due to a government surrendering to a pressure group and completely mismanaged a referendum, you cannot manage any organisation by asking ill informed people what to do.
I agree they are a product of the environment but question "WE" have allowed it. We have little power to change anything, Brexit came about due to a government surrendering to a pressure group and completely mismanaged a referendum, you cannot manage any organisation by asking ill informed people what to do.

I voted for a Cameron government.

I didn't convince my dad not to vote for Brexit.

I'm guilty.
Your shame is misplaced, you can't label the country because of a few thousand mindless thugs, it's the same thing as people blaming all Asian for terrorism and black people for knife crime. These rioters should be dealt with by police and if they aren't up to it use the army, an extreme measure but this virus must be stamped out quickly, these people threaten all of our safety.

Not to mention all the people in the country that have come together (from all races and backgrounds btw) to clean up the mess the day after the Southport violence.