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Sick sick world what is wrong with people

What do you mean by a total reset Marky?
Everyone go back to square one, where they started from?

Be careful. I’ll have you know that’s contrary to Anti-defemation league definitions of Anti-semitism 🤨

Please check your privilege and come back with a more destructive alternative
Personally if I were a Palestinan I would be very careful when you see Trump telling you if you leave the country you are going to be much better off.

Before the holocaust Jews were forced into shantys and ghettos... deprived off all civil and political liberties... told that they would be resettled somewhere.

Left with no alternative but to belive their (FORCED) relocation was better for them - they themselves begun to believe it. Believe they would be resettled in Eastern European and/or Zionist communities where they may better relate to people.

They will not.

This is why you can never morally force anyone to abandon their homes under the promise of a fictional brighter world somewhere else.

Do not for one second hop aboard that train.

Everyone should stand their ground and we as human beings should applaud it.