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Set Pieces

Darren Bent: Tottenham didn't practise penalties for Carling Cup final

While Manchester United's diligent planning for a possible penalty shoot-out extended to preparing iPod footage of the likely Tottenham participants, Darren Bent has disclosed that his Spurs team-mates did not consider it worth practising their spot kicks

Tottenham were duly dreadful in the shoot-out that decided Sunday's Carling Cup final, with Jamie O'Hara's effort saved and David Bentley firing wide, meaning Bent, who was due to take the fifth penalty, was not involved.

However, Bent's admission is particularly interesting given Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp's past association at Southampton with World Cup-winning rugby union coach Sir Clive Woodward.

During his time as Saints' technical support director, Woodward urged footballers to regularly practise penalty-taking in the belief that the smallest details could represent the difference between winning and losing.

That certainly appeared to be the case on Sunday, when Ben Foster looked at an iPod video of O'Hara taking a previous penalty just seconds before making what proved to be the pivotal save.

Redknapp's post-match attitude was that penalties are a "lottery" and his view was apparently shared in the Spurs dressing room.


so, i dont understand how a manager can send out his team unprepared for a cup final that could be decided by a penalty shoot out. I just dont understand this way of thinking.

and just goes to show why we are also so pathetic at set pieces. I guess the management think they are lotteries too

practice makes perfect, we just dont practice, its as clear as day
How many times have you heard the phrase "lottery of the penalty shootout" every time a game goes to penalties? I think Harry really thinks they are just luck.
How many times have you heard the phrase "lottery of the penalty shootout" every time a game goes to penalties? I think Harry really thinks they are just luck.
Probably...Far too many penalties have we missed in the last 3-4 seasons,I think "OH NOE" every time I see Defoe about to take one.
Adebayor has been superb this season,let's hope he will continou like this
Ben Pearce on Twitter: #thfc have had 205 corners this season and only scored from 5 of them. I'll have Redknapp's thoughts on the matter online a little later.

So that's one goal every forty-one corners, not good! Although it would be interesting to know what the league average is.
I think it is pretty simple. The person taking the corners should be the best crosser of the ball in the team. For me that is Gareth Bale. I guess Redknapp likes him in the box because he is reasonably tall and quite a good attacking header of the ball. However none of that matters when 50% of our corners don't clear the first man and the other 50% are aimlessly floated into the middle.

Look at Arsenal - they have Van Persie taking the corners even though he would be one of the most dangerous players to have in the box attacking them.... If we got Bale whipping them in we'd have a lot more chance of success than currently I'm sure.
I think it is pretty simple. The person taking the corners should be the best crosser of the ball in the team. For me that is Gareth Bale. I guess Redknapp likes him in the box because he is reasonably tall and quite a good attacking header of the ball. However none of that matters when 50% of our corners don't clear the first man and the other 50% are aimlessly floated into the middle.

Look at Arsenal - they have Van Persie taking the corners even though he would be one of the most dangerous players to have in the box attacking them.... If we got Bale whipping them in we'd have a lot more chance of success than currently I'm sure.

the man taking them is important, but also the players have to learn how to move in the box, what spaces to run into, in order to lose their markers and get on the end of the ball coming in
You often see the corner taker (from other teams) raise one or both hands, signaling to the attackers what they intend to do. How hard is to work on 4-5 different corner routines and have the taker signal to the box what's going to happen.
Not hard is the answer. Sort it out Harry!!!
Ben Pearce on Twitter: #thfc have had 205 corners this season and only scored from 5 of them. I'll have Redknapp's thoughts on the matter online a little later.

So that's one goal every forty-one corners, not good! Although it would be interesting to know what the league average is.

Follow up ....

"The 'short' answer was that a lack of height is to blame, but Redknapp conceded the deliveries were poor against Stoke."

Ben Pearce on Twitter: #thfc have had 205 corners this season and only scored from 5 of them. I'll have Redknapp's thoughts on the matter online a little later.

So that's one goal every forty-one corners, not good! Although it would be interesting to know what the league average is.

They just read out a load of Opta corner stats on Sky Sports News-

Most corners awarded:
Liverpool – 243
Tottenham – 203
Man Utd – 199
Arsenal – 198
Chelsea – 197

Most goals from corners:
Emirates Marketing Project – 13
Man Utd – 10
Blackburn / West Brom – 8
Norwich – 7

Twitter / @OptaJoe: 121 - Spurs have taken 121 corners since they last netted a goal from a corner situation in the Premier League. Distant.

Perhaps we should sign this fella - BBC Sport - Coleraine's Owens scores two corners
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They just read out a load of Opta corner stats on Sky Sports News-

Most corners awarded:
Liverpool ÔÇô 243
Tottenham ÔÇô 203
Man Utd ÔÇô 199
Arsenal ÔÇô 198
Chelsea ÔÇô 197

Most goals from corners:
Emirates Marketing Project ÔÇô 13
Man Utd ÔÇô 10
Blackburn / West Brom ÔÇô 8
Norwich ÔÇô 7

Twitter / @OptaJoe: 121 - Spurs have taken 121 corners since they last netted a goal from a corner situation in the Premier League. Distant.

Perhaps we should sign this fella - BBC Sport - Coleraine's Owens scores two corners

What's quite surprising about the above is that it suggests, prior to the barren run of 121 without success, we were performing as well as anyone, with roughly 6% conversion (about 1 goal for every 16 corners).
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Follow up ....

"The 'short' answer was that a lack of height is to blame, but Redknapp conceded the deliveries were poor against Stoke."


short answer, "lack of height"?!?!?!?!?!?!?


GHod save me please
look, Redknapp has done great at spurs overall, but sometimes he sounds and appears like a right idiot

its all about movement and delivery, which takes practice and more practice

i guess its much easier to cover your own back and blame it on a lack of height
short answer, "lack of height"?!?!?!?!?!?!?


GHod save me please

Yup, he somehow forgets that Bale is 6'2", Kranjcar is 6'1" and Saha is 6' with a great leap. Plus all the games that the 6'3" Adebayor has played and failed to score a header.
If the message the players are getting is that you have to be 6 foot 4 to have a chance of scoring from a corner, and Kaboul is the only decent header of the ball at the club, it's hardly surprising most of them don't look very interested.
Kaboul and King also join for corners - tall players themselves

King unfortunately has the predatory instinct of a red panda in the oppositions box these days. No point denying it. When Begovic spilt the ball and King was facing the other way trotting down to a halt I was fudging livid.
King unfortunately has the predatory instinct of a red panda in the oppositions box these days. No point denying it. When Begovic spilt the ball and King was facing the other way trotting down to a halt I was fudging livid.

So was I. None of our players ever seem to gamble on anything in the box, though.