My own advice here would be to put your current question on the back burner, at least for a short while. My story, I was in one of the big techs and contacted by a St James Place authorised partner in about 2016. I've worked with them ever since. They will just organise my life with me. I've done everything from pension consolidation, investments, wills/LPOA and property etc. I even setup a trust model in case I die before pensionable age.
The way it works with pre-existing pensions as an example, is that you will sign a couple of proxy forms with your IFA and they will do the due diligence on your old company pensions with the providers. They will then benchmark against the private pension model and advise whether you leave them be, or consolidate. They will also help you find any carry-forward opportunities, if you've missed out on your rolling 3-year tax relief. You're probably too young to have final salary pensions, and my guess is that SJP would out-perform any of the main providers that companies use for the types of pension you have. So would Quilter and the other big guys, as they have the best fund managers in the country. Only last week, I authorised my IFA to change the pension portfolio mix between UK, Europe, US and Asia based on his recommendation to help me grow my pension pot. I just had to send one email to authorise.
With this model, I've also noticed as well that my IFA doesn't try to push his people onto me if I've already got my own. Instead, he makes sure that the people I am using are providing a good service to you. Example, I've used the same mortgage advisor for 25 years and he's a good friend. I just share the work he does for me with my IFA in our annual reviews which are entire portfolio based.
So don't know whether you have an "all in" IFA, but I would recommend the model if you're starting this new adventure.