Joe Kinnear
I'v had a look at this in more detail - I reckon that in total there are about 30,000 seats available at concession prices - approx 16000 in South stand (as only 1000 are the 1882 premium-lite and we know that the stand holds about 17,000 seats). Then there are about 14,000 seats available in North Stand and wrapping around into sections of the North East and North West corners and then additionally a small number of seats in West Lower and East Lower.
Included within this number are the designated family blocks look like they accommodate about 2500 seats.
With this in mind I am a little less anxious - we know that there are 42,000 season ticket holders and there will be a few (I reckoon about 4,000+) who wont renew which is in line with regular 10% turnover each season - some will just have taken one at Wembley for the year. Additionally there will be those happy to pay the extra to seat in general admission West and East stands which I think should ensure that there are roughly enough seats available by phase 8 for people in my position.
I am making a lot of estimates and assumptions so might be very wrong though!
No concessions in the grey block which I’ve read is 8000 seats. It’s where safe standing would go so the rail makes it unsafe for kids