Frederic Kanoute
I consider myself centre left.If you don't support nationalisation, then you cannot really describe yourself as a leftist in my opinion. The basic tenet of left wing politics is economic, that is to say nationalisation and redistributive economics. I'll trump them with Rudd and Bozo Boris. Rudd, she almost made Nuttall look human.
I am a supporter of good public services. Health care, housing, and education. Which is why I never vote Tory. I want to encourage people to better themselves such that they are not reliant on financial help from the state. People who can afford to pay for their social care should.
That said I don't think all services need to be state run. But where they are in private hands the regulators need to have more teeth to hold companies that are not delivering to account. Again the Tory model fails here. It is happy to privatize but at the same time weakens the regulators.
The answer though is not necessarily to waste money on buying back franchises. But to have better service specification between the state and private companies and a strong regulator.
I don't have any ideological objections to people being Wealthy and Labour needs to be careful not to portray itself as anti aspiration.
Left and right politics is based on same tired rhetoric. For the Tories it's people on benefits are scroungers and for the current Labour Party it's that the wealthy are tax dodgers or don't pay enough.