Jimmy Cantrell
Is it true that the family of the child that died were not actually running from Syria and had actually been in Turkey for 6 months???
It should take into account a whole number of factors, including wealth. Precisely what should be considered, I've no idea, but that's rather what I expect the idiots we elect to work out.How do you work out a fair distribution?
Most of Europe seems to want to base it on wealth (because it benefits them and costs us), but that doesn't seem particularly relevant.
Surely a relevant measure would be how much spare housing there is in each country. In which case we've probably already taken more than our fair share.
Did it? I don't mourn his loss, but he was on a short leash since the first Gulf War. Same with old Colonel Face Lift in Libya, wasn't really a threat globally. I'm sure certain groups in both countries were delighted to see the back of them, and I'm sure both were the scum of the Earth, but I can't see how anyone can really say the vacuum left behind on both occasions, and the ugliness that's filling it, are any better. Better the devil you know sometimes, surely?Iraq was a war well worth fighting. Not for the hogwash reasons the lying tossers in the Labour government used but because the world needed to be rid of Saddam Hussein. The fact that the planning and execution were wrong doesn't make it wrong to have decided to go to war.
I dunno what the state of the refugee camps in Turkey are. Probably better than being in Kobane, but if you've got family elsewhere I suppose that's quite a draw. I thought you'd be pleased they were heading for Canada, you used them as an example earlier.So basically if you offered them a camp in Vietnam or nothing they would take nothing?
I dunno what the state of the refugee camps in Turkey are. Probably better than being in Kobane, but if you've got family elsewhere I suppose that's quite a draw. I thought you'd be pleased they were heading for Canada, you used them as an example earlier.
The picture of the boy has obviously been very affecting, but that's just one story.
To stop atrocities and do what any human being has the responsibility to do.
Policing the world didn't make people bad. It may have changed bad people for others, it may have moved some from one place to another.
I genuinely don't know how to make this point without invoking Godwin, but surely a policy of never intervening when bad people do bad things is even worse than letting 'Murrica, fudge Yeah! make tactical military decisions?
If only there world were as simple as that black and white view then I'd agree.
So you are convinced military intervention was the key to success when it had largely negative consequences on the region when done against Iraq, libia and Afghanistan?Agreed - the time to have a meaningful effect and safe millions of lives is long gone.
Quick lesson for the Grauniad-reading muesli munchers of the world: A lack of action is often as deadly as taking action.
Iraq was a war well worth fighting. Not for the hogwash reasons the lying tossers in the Labour government used but because the world needed to be rid of Saddam Hussein. The fact that the planning and execution were wrong doesn't make it wrong to have decided to go to war.
When Sadam was Gassing Kurds we didn't invade, when Sadam was starting a war with his neighbour (a war that killed a million people) fact we encouraged it (but let's leave that aside for a minute) we didn't invade. When Sadam was ethically cleansing north iraq of Kurds and Turkmen in a policy to arabise the Kurkic and Mosul regions we didn't invade.
Yet we invade when he was doing none of those things, you think the people of Iraq don't know all this? Have you spoken to many Iraqis? (Iraqis that's a funny term because it is a made up nationallitty by the west, Iraq never existed until the west made it, ignoring sectarian lines with almost staggering ineptitude, but I digress)
They do not think that:
"When he was doing his worst the west gave arms and was his buddy, but when he wasn't doing much, they came and bombed my house."
You think that alqueda or Isis don't use that as part of their recruiting/pursuance Ar5ena1:
You think that they don't say something along the lines of :
"Why was your young wife and child killed by an American bomb, brother? sadam was an infidel bastard but he was doing nothing to anyone at that time was he, you remember? Your wife died for no reason except some kind of crusade by the west.... And to steal our oil. This is your chance to avenge her brother"
" Hey you look at these pictures of these mutalated children here, these are Muslim children these could be your brothers or sisters, sons or daughters....the west done this, only because they are Muslim, there were no WMDs, they knew this, sadam was quite at that moment there was no reason to invade.... Except they like killing muslims... Let's fight them brother, let's teach them that there is a price to pay for the blood they have on their hands"
Nobody invaded because of WMDs. We invaded because Saddam kept breaking the terms placed on him and then pulling back before it escalated to troops entering. WMDs were claimed to be there just to shut all the muesli crowd up.It was a hogwash war fought for the wrong reasons, when Sadam was Gassing Kurds....invade then..... When he was ethically cleansing.... Invade then etc etc
Because at least some of the people will see that the west invaded for these reasons, rather than WMDS that no body believed were there. And therefore it maybe harder for ducks like isis to recruit them.
I don't think its anything to do with oil. To suggest that (other than keeping general stability in the area) Western intervention in the Middle East is for that reason is getting dangerously close to tinfoil hat territory.Syria on the other hand, had millions of people on the streets wanting more freedom, it was a prime time to intervene, and be a hero to the majoriry of the Syrian people but the west didn't do anything.... Not much gassed and oil in Syria is there?
You think that this point is lost on the people in the region?
...Nobody invaded because of WMDs. We invaded because Saddam kept breaking the terms placed on him and then pulling back before it escalated to troops entering. WMDs were claimed to be there just to shut all the muesli crowd up.
I don't think its anything to do with oil. To suggest that (other than keeping general stability in the area) Western intervention in the Middle East is for that reason is getting dangerously close to tinfoil hat territory.
It's all to do with politicians caring more about their careers than they do getting the right thing done...
You forgot the lizard menI have chosen to address these points (I basically agree with everything DTA said)...first off, 'muesli crowd' or not, it was a lie. As of why we went in, well, let's just say my hat in your eyes might not be made of an alloy or even hard plastic!!!
Oil has something to do with it (as it did when the US sided with Britain in Persia back in the day) but this is far more about the continued de-stabilization of the region in order to perpetuate a war economy. Do me a favor if you think anyone is genuinely interested in altruism I actually agree that politicians do care more about their careers than what is right or wrong. But ultimately, this entire situation keeps the Industrial Military Complex going.
I'm long beyond losing sleep over it TBH...although the current resultant refugee crisis disgusts me.
KosovoWhen has there ever an invasion that the US and UK have got right in the last 50 years?
When has there ever an invasion that the US and UK have got right in the last 50 years?
Iranian EmbassyWhen has there ever an invasion that the US and UK have got right in the last 50 years?
Does the Falklands count? It was kind of an invasion where an invasion had already taken place.When has there ever an invasion that the US and UK have got right in the last 50 years?