Clint Dempsey
I normally fulminate at this point about the luddite populist fudgewittery of the 2010 government scrapping the national ID register, but nobody on the Internet ever agrees with me on that.
The Times article you linked to previously opens with a French crack squad of nationalists patrolling the Alps, and Africian not Syrian migrants walking across the border. What we forget with all of this stuff, is its not necessarily rational, its emotional. Politicans don't need to delivery practical solutions always they need to deliver an emotional one. France, Germany, Italy, Hungry, Poland etc all have sizable chunks of their populations who are not happy with migration across open borders. The UK is the same. So there is real scope for the EU to exercise either the existing controls on FoM or add something, albeit, token, to appease the hoopla in places like Bavaria - who have threatened to erect their own regional border posts!
This is real, and there is a solution, one that could work for the the UK and dissolve Brexit.
You’re still conflating two completely separate issues, though. The emotional factors are as distinct as the policy ones.
Well I'm suggesting you address the feeling in the population (emotional) with policy that hits that emotive note. So yes it is conflating the two to appease and address something that has become a real issue. Whether emotional or not it's still a real entity in national psyche. I'm not sure I under my post either![]()
Yep. “Appease” is a word with baggage for just that reason!
Its appease because you and I don't share the concerns about migration. But it would be remiss or blinkered not to recognise real concerns others have. From my perspective its appease. From theirs its address.
ALmost impossible to do, but imagine you lived hand to mouth because of the work you could get. And these jobs became unavailable because desperate migrants were willing to put up with appalling conditions and take any work. You couldn't be the man you were, couldn't pay for your family etc. If the migrants were not there, you would still have work. Stopping migration would address your reality. From those who don't have to worry it is appeasement.
I am not suggesting that all the people who vote for populist movements are working for the minimum wage or that the Trumps, Farrages, Bannons don't use cheap 'fear of the other' anti-immigration as a cheap way to win votes, because they do. My point was that populism is not
fascism, even though it sails close to the wind, and secondly the lack of understanding of what populist voters motivations are, is the failing of the political classes. Trump is not all racism. 5 star are not all about migrants. Brexit is not just about immigration. Sure its a part of it, but there is more much more going on.
I don’t think that a majority of Le Pen’s voters, or Grillo’s, or Farage’s, were living in abject poverty. They weren’t worried about putting food in their children’s mouths, they were making rather badly informed bets on what would give them better public services and more opportunities for a better standard of living. Your thought experiment is question-begging because it starts off with an emotive picture which doesn’t really reflect the populist voter base.
Yup, but to address it properly, you need to address specific root causes. And those are hyperlocal, industry-tailored. Pretending that there is a global similarity between the root causes - or conflating protectionist sentiment in the UK with that in Italy - is what enables the populist demonology, and explains why they share their memes on a global free market of lies.
But to move forward, people want freshness, more than they want racism - imo.