Modric THFC
Jimmy McCormick
I'm seriously at a loss as who to vote for (barring UKIP). I've read through summaries of all the manifestos and paid particular attention to things that concern me but there are merits across the board. It's also actually helped me see clearer and change what I thought was right (i.e. the E.U) and I've done one of those online quizzes and am none the wiser (pretty much split across the board with the Tories slightly leading Labour). Our current local MP and favourite is a Tory (and a gooner as opposed to our UKIP candidate - who is Spurs) and seems to have done well enough (particularly in the wealthier areas
Where the option to:
I wanted a clear idea of who I'd support but not happening.
Taking my 5 year old along so she can learn about voting and what it means - but it seems we won't be wearing any particular colour at this point (even though she knows it's generally 'never red')
In terms of my current company - voting Labour would be more beneficial... But Ed Milliband?
Unless you are in a marginal it really doesn't matter. Let the kid decide