So...who will you be voting for then..?
my word ..isn't that patently obvious..well there's no kippers in Grimsby these days.
Especially after accidentally coming across Grimsby docks twenty or so years ago .
To see would be to believe. If only I had had a camcorder .
Dock after dock of empty massive refrigerators ..where people would have worked in their
hundreds collecting and filleting the fish all along by the dockside . All of it just gone to nothing..I think
EEC fish laws had something to do with this! Who was allowed to fish and where. This was another chapter that no one remembers anymore.Thanks to Brussels. kippers UKIP...LOL
Its not true that we would not trade with Europe if we were to Leave Brussels.BTW.for Gods sake they are accros
the channel.
Anyway I can't see us coming out of Europe which will mean the English pound
will be Euro, and more decisions on Europe and more money gone to the gravy train of
MEPs in Brussels..your money, for bureaucracy and more decisions being made by
people who don't live in the real world.
do you know.. I'm not really interested in Politics as it stands..
Its Democracy for the People I would like to see..[dreamer me]
thats the real ideal.Just think of it? You and me having a real say in whats going on,instead of
getting the betting pencil out and putting in your cross..Oh yes and this we call Democracy..well to be Fair..I suppose its a start!
Do you know what is the biggest problem facing mankind to-day?
I'm diversifying now..but its still politics...
Apart from asteroid coming out of the sky and to cause a trillion ton
It is the overpopulation of people on this Earth that is such an important factor.
And when do the Politicians ever talk about this at a G8 meetings ..
And it is simply the most important thing there is.
Oh yes wait ..there is one other mega World problem for man and women kind
..Nuclear War..NSF..not so funny
but overpopulation could lead us towards this end as well!
Anyway......One day we'll find..LOL or will will.