Steffen Freund
I agree with you in a way.At the risk of sounding like an old fart barking at a bus stop, I don't think that currently people in this country have the work ethic to become nurses.
It'll take a generation of change before people will regain that need to work hard to earn their money.
My view is that the reasons and opportunities do not exist to incintivise really hard work - you can work averagely and enjoy life and travel but never be able to buy a house and raise kids or you can work harder but still retain a bit of work life balance and still not be able to achieve those things.
So why bother.
Add to that the country has not adapted to rise in consumer need for ever evolving technology (15-20 years ago people didn't need to pay for broadband and phone contracts as essentials) and the even less disposable Income is available. The last ten years has seen inflation (esp in public service) outstrip wages, so again, why bother busting your ass?