David Ginola
This would be my ideal solution. Now that we have shown Brexit to be a possibility, the EU should be given a chance to offer us terms again - specifically we should have a veto on anything we don't like, the ability to set our own levels of financial input and complete financial freedom. Anything else I'm not too fussed about.
I think that's it. No one really thought UK Leave was a realistic possibility. Hence the lack of remain campaigning. But suddenly it could happen so the polls say, and late in the day the case is being made to remain. But the problem is, its so complex - you have to have some idea of economics, geopolitics etc - to make an informed choice. So most people just chose on immigration or emotion, 'I like being British'. This is my oversimplification, but in essence why should people know about all this boring gonads? Isn't that what politicians are for? To make these informed complex economic and political decisions for people? If so we should follow our PM.