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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

Reports that 12 people died crossing the Channel illegally in a boat today including a pregnant woman.

This website is like a microcosm of the country. Because we talk about illegal entry to this country and people get angry or entrenched in their view.

But is it not long past the time we as a country sorted it once and for all.

Personally feel that the French and British government and culpable in the deaths of these people.

what's your solution?
And a crack down on the gig economy/better regulation of black market jobs. That's a big pull factor
In the small town near me, Shoreham by sea, the are 4 Turkish barbers who only accept cash. Two cafes owned by Turkish people, never anyone in them. 3 convenience stores, two of which don't even sell booze, just tins of beans and crisps.

The is so much dirty money in this country and not all of it goes through the city of London.
This might be just a stupid wild arse idea, but what would it cost for the government to operate a fleet of drones in the English channel. Equipped with cameras with thermal imaging, face capture and even the ability to communicate with the boats.

That could surely operate at both ends of the spectrums of human safety and protecting our borders, obviously put together with a combination of other capabilities.

Nobody wants to see people dying in the channel, and these people do need aid.
Well I would stop them crossing on boats, what we pay the French for.

Would open up process centres over there to take a fair amount as all countries should offer aid.
We decided to leave the EU. Can’t expect many favours. We were taking control of our own borders, after all.
Robert Generic or Bad Enoch Powell. The Tories are going down the Duncan Smith route again then.
It’s hilarious. Out of power for a decade at least.
I might have mixed the numbers up, but I believe it is true that each year in the UK, smoking causes as many deaths as Covid did.

If that is true, damn right it's something we can fix. Imagine taking that strain off the NHS.

It may sound crazy and unworkable now, but thats what they said about banning smoking inside.

I know this post will confirm most peoples view that I'm an old nutter and have multiple opposing theories but I honestly believe many of the illnesses that are occurring have something to do with atomic bomb testing. As a child and young man virtually every adult I knew smoked and I don't recall so many deaths related to smoking and many of the allergies and diseases many suffer from did not appear to exist. That along with processed foods and chemicals consumed have had a major impact on our health, I'm not a veggie or vegan and have always eaten fresh food. It also concerns me the number of young men I see losing their hair in their early 20's , most of my mates have more hair than their sons or grandchildren. I have no confidence in any government admitting the effects atomic radiation has on the population.
I know this post will confirm most peoples view that I'm an old nutter and have multiple opposing theories but I honestly believe many of the illnesses that are occurring have something to do with atomic bomb testing. As a child and young man virtually every adult I knew smoked and I don't recall so many deaths related to smoking and many of the allergies and diseases many suffer from did not appear to exist. That along with processed foods and chemicals consumed have had a major impact on our health, I'm not a veggie or vegan and have always eaten fresh food. It also concerns me the number of young men I see losing their hair in their early 20's , most of my mates have more hair than their sons or grandchildren. I have no confidence in any government admitting the effects atomic radiation has on the population.

There might be something in that. We know they learned as they went and were prepared to take risks with those involved. I was reading this morning about some Russian scientists who were sent to retrieve a failed weapons test vehicle from the sea only for it to explode as soon as it reached the oxygen on the surface, likewise we all know the story of Tom Tuohy at Windscale.

I think there is definitely something in increased processed food intake.

I think knowledge around allergies and disease has improved, so deaths and contributory factors are more accurately recorded.

Smoking has always been hazardous, I think possibly it was something that appealed to a younger audience for a certain amount time, and the knock on effect of that is manifesting itself decades later, I think (and hope) it's less of a pull to teens now than it was when I was that age.
The French blaming us for the tragedy. Saying we are two soft with the soft approach we take towards them when they arrive.

It is almost like the people who don't want to stop the boats are playing politics
We decided to leave the EU. Can’t expect many favours. We were taking control of our own borders, after all.

It’s hilarious. Out of power for a decade at least.
Actually you can expect that they stop people illegally leaving their country.

Absolutely ridiculous to think the French can't stop people getting in dangerous boats and setting sail. But I do have some sympathy for the French because the pull is the UK.
There might be something in that. We know they learned as they went and were prepared to take risks with those involved. I was reading this morning about some Russian scientists who were sent to retrieve a failed weapons test vehicle from the sea only for it to explode as soon as it reached the oxygen on the surface, likewise we all know the story of Tom Tuohy at Windscale.

I think there is definitely something in increased processed food intake.

I think knowledge around allergies and disease has improved, so deaths and contributory factors are more accurately recorded.

Smoking has always been hazardous, I think possibly it was something that appealed to a younger audience for a certain amount time, and the knock on effect of that is manifesting itself decades later, I think (and hope) it's less of a pull to teens now than it was when I was that age.

At one time smoking was considered a healthy option, I don't think I knew any adults or mates who didn't smoke until I was about 18, I never liked it myself so only tried it a few times same as drugs, it use to annoy my mates as they could cadge one off me. I feel a lot of sympathy for the people I know who are addicted to the habit and don't judge them.
And the lies just keep on being exposed.

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There might be something in that. We know they learned as they went and were prepared to take risks with those involved. I was reading this morning about some Russian scientists who were sent to retrieve a failed weapons test vehicle from the sea only for it to explode as soon as it reached the oxygen on the surface, likewise we all know the story of Tom Tuohy at Windscale.

I think there is definitely something in increased processed food intake.

I think knowledge around allergies and disease has improved, so deaths and contributory factors are more accurately recorded.

Smoking has always been hazardous, I think possibly it was something that appealed to a younger audience for a certain amount time, and the knock on effect of that is manifesting itself decades later, I think (and hope) it's less of a pull to teens now than it was when I was that age.

Scrapping winter fuel allowance for pensioners
Looking at scrapping their bus passes too

and this the latest cab off the rank

View attachment 17643

Intergenerational wealth inequalities is one of the biggest challenges of the time, due to the cumulative effects of the triple lock and other Tory bungs to their core. Pensioners living in huge houses, spending half their lives on cruises, while skilled professionals in their 30s and 40s are living in tiny insecure rented bedsits, eating from foodbanks. That really needs addressing.
Intergenerational wealth inequalities is one of the biggest challenges of the time, due to the cumulative effects of the triple lock and other Tory bungs to their core. Pensioners living in huge houses, spending half their lives on cruises, while skilled professionals in their 30s and 40s are living in tiny insecure rented bedsits, eating from foodbanks. That really needs addressing.
That is a large assumption of pensioners which is not backed up by the ones I know. Who though not on pensioners credits are not so rich that they spend "half the lives on cruises"