Gutter Boy
Tim Sherwood
Who is being decolonised?
Those in the country where power has returned to an elected national parliament from an unelected supranational bureaucracy.
Who is being decolonised?
Maybe you won't change your mind (like others haveThose in the country where power has returned to an elected national parliament from an unelected supranational bureaucracy.
Maybe you won't change your mind (like others have). I don't want to reopen the Brexit debate again but I stilI find the dark rhetoric of 'reverse' colonisation that you employ curious considering your other ideological beliefs. Ignoring those you are almost the archetype character in O'Toole's dissection of the whole thing. Anyway, let's not open old wounds. The UK will rejoin eventually.
Anarchists generally believe in localism, and opposing any excessive state, supranational and corporate power. The Green party was the strongest anti-EU party around until fairly recently. Up until 2014 they were still campaigning for a referendum to leave. It was actually Lib-Dem entryism around 2015 (the coalition kick-back) that turned it from anti to pro EU. Just because recent leaders have been pro-EU, a lot of the grassroots Left has always been anti-EU - in the Green party and Labour (Corbyn etc).
And they changed their minds as John Maynard Keynes did when presented with more factsAnarchists generally believe in localism, and opposing any excessive state, supranational and corporate power. The Green party was the strongest anti-EU party around until fairly recently. Up until 2014 they were still campaigning for a referendum to leave. It was actually Lib-Dem entryism around 2015 (the coalition kick-back) that turned it from anti to pro EU. Just because recent leaders have been pro-EU, a lot of the grassroots Left has always been anti-EU - in the Green party and Labour (Corbyn etc).
They are the worst of both worlds at the moment. High spending high taxation 'Conservatives' without any of the social measures to reinvest in society.
Appx 5m pensioners are millionaires. Yet the Challancor today increased the pension pay accross the board. Costing 30b a year. Which is a staggering amount. The state pension is going up, fine for pensioners on the poverty line. But for millionaire pensioners, really? This is where most of goverments spending is going. For context, the NI cuts for business only cost 9b a year. A measure which is designed to create more work and growth. In the past Conservatives were about stimulating business and lowering spending. And they were competent at this kinda stuff. No more it seems. Brexit has delivered us the most incompetent bunch of no hoper politicians. All of the talent was hounded out, and to be frank our governments have been scraping the talent barrel ever since.
This government is extending the nations debt, despite what the challancor said. Debt will soon be at 100% of GDP, and not start to reduce for another 5 years by which time it will be someone elses problem. If you are going to borrow and spend, at least have something to show for it!
I don't know how they're funded in Europe but the UK pension is one of the lowest. Fairly sure retirement ages are a lot younger in Europe as well. Very difficult to change given that people are paying NI contributions towards a flat rated state pension - would be changing the goalposts later (not unknown for any govt) but would cause uproar and pensioners vote en mass.
Whoever is elected next will likely address the Tripple Lock. Pensions going up 10% for all, when many don't even need it, is crazy. Paying millionaire pensioners inflation increases in the pension can't continue. Unless you want to lose money from someone else. We are simply not rich enough to increase pensions by 30b a year. So whether its Labour or the Conservates the Tripple Lock should be addressed. The Tories have kicked the can down the road, because they probably won't be in power.
Where is your figure of 30bn a year from? Official figures are £124.3bn and the next increase is 8.5%. Again how do you define millionaire pensioners, what about 2 people on similar salaries. One is a loner who doesn't go out much with no kids and chose to save and have a larger house whilst the other had children and spent a lot on holidays so has a small flat instead. Both paid the same level of NI contributions, how do you differentiate? If you do is that even fair?
I think the 30b is the extra it will cost down the line if the tripple lock is not addressed.
I dont have plans. But can’t be that hard to focus pension increases on those that need it most. Housing benefit is means tested isn’t it. You can always look that up if you’re gagging for a model.And your plans to means test it?
I dont have plans. But can’t be that hard to focus pension increases on those that need it most. Housing benefit is means tested isn’t it. You can always look that up if you’re gagging for a model.
It’s known in political circles that the triple lock needs updating. But no one’s been brave enough to address it. Now however there isn’t the cash available to kick it down the road any longer.
Because when they say they "want more" they mean something very different to you.How people can look at that, and say "i want more" blows my mind.