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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

@scaramanga car markers came up a lot when we discussed Brexit. Any thoughts on these stories? What has changed, or were you wide of the mark in your analysis back then?

Vauxhall-maker warns Brexit may force it to close UK factory
or this

If some mug on a footie forum (me and many others) could predict these issues years prior, what does it say about the competence of those in charge that they have not been able to preempt some of these issues? Should we seek admission from those who were either deluded or lying? They promised cake, while we got served up crap. There is clear damage to our economy and potentially the next generation's prospects. Many of the issues are fixable, but no political party is willing to get the Brexit muck on their hands. Its dirty polluted ground. They just want to ignore it. And I don't blame them. Its divisive, there are no easy fixes, just ongoing crap to address, and once you have 'addressed' the solution is sub-optimal - worse than being in the EU.

The bravest approach would be to talk with the key eu member nations - France/Germany and get their endorsement for the UK to rejoin on the old terms including the concessions given to Cameron. And then get it done. Cut our losses and move forward.

Looks like you forgot to post the followup article where EU car firms also want the rules postponed because they're behind on battery technology - https://www.reuters.com/business/au...ll-post-brexit-rules-be-postponed-2023-05-18/
Looks like you forgot to post the followup article where EU car firms also want the rules postponed because they're behind on battery technology - https://www.reuters.com/business/au...ll-post-brexit-rules-be-postponed-2023-05-18/

No one wants trade impediments, do they? That is the point. Brexit is just a PItA with no benefits. The UK suffers more than the EU however, as the EU is the larger market. Any thoughts on this one:

UK fruit exports to EU have dropped by more than half since Brexit
Exports of fruit fell from £248.5m in year to March 2021 to £113.8m in 12 months to March 2023

No one wants trade impediments, do they? That is the point. Brexit is just a PItA with no benefits. The UK suffers more than the EU however, as the EU is the larger market. Any thoughts on this one:

UK fruit exports to EU have dropped by more than half since Brexit
Exports of fruit fell from £248.5m in year to March 2021 to £113.8m in 12 months to March 2023


It's an impediment because of the deal negotiated not because of Brexit itself, as you say there's many forms of it and this govt went for a very hard form of it mainly driven by ideology than rational thinking. I don't think anyone is claiming they don't want to trade and personally I wouldn't have negotiated such a hard brexit but there we are. It will take some years to work through some of these things and I daresay it probably needs a Labour govt to make the best of it.
really good point just now by James OB, people so invested in Brexit/Boris etc that after years supporting it to the rooftops, they now cant backtrack as they're too deep into it. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they still sit there and espouse it's wonders even when all the evidence says the opposite.
Known as the backfire effect, I believe.
Maybe not politics, but thought i'd share. Been a carer for my mum and dad for over10 years. Only child, dad got dementia, mum disabled.

Anyway both gone now. Mum a couple of weeks ago.

Went in the job centre today, just to ask for help updating my cv. Been so long can't remember dates, want to apply for jobs before the carers allowance is cancelled.

- are you on universal credit?
- no i'm still on carers allowance.
- you'll have to go on universal credit.
- i just want to try and get a job before the carers allowance runs out.
- we can't help you if you're not on universal credit. You'll have to cancel carers allowance.
- but universal credit is less than carers allowance.
- best thing to do. The day carers allowance runs out, apply for universal credit. Then we can help you.

While i'm on a little rant of insanity.

Went into my mums bank to give the death certificate. Now there was a few quid in the account so have to wait for probate.

To make things easier, i asked if i could open an account with them and when it was all sorted just switch the funds over?

Nope. Have to go online. Can't open a bank account in a bank anymore.
Maybe not politics, but thought i'd share. Been a carer for my mum and dad for over10 years. Only child, dad got dementia, mum disabled.

Anyway both gone now. Mum a couple of weeks ago.

Went in the job centre today, just to ask for help updating my cv. Been so long can't remember dates, want to apply for jobs before the carers allowance is cancelled.

- are you on universal credit?
- no i'm still on carers allowance.
- you'll have to go on universal credit.
- i just want to try and get a job before the carers allowance runs out.
- we can't help you if you're not on universal credit. You'll have to cancel carers allowance.
- but universal credit is less than carers allowance.
- best thing to do. The day carers allowance runs out, apply for universal credit. Then we can help you.


Condolences on the death of your mum. It's a tough time.

The job centre thing is ridiculous, hardly conducive to helping people back into work.

Re the cv, don't get too hung up on dates, as long as you don't have any long gaps that you can't explain. It's only really the last one or two roles that you need to give any real detail on, everything else can just be grouped together at the end. Some precision with dates will only matter if you're getting a job offer and the employer wants to get a reference from your previous place of work. And by that time you'll have been through interviews where you can explain any discrepancies and in any case, by then they'll have decided they want you anyway. CVs these days are all about your personal statement and using the right key-words from the job advert that get picked up on the first pass-through.
Obviously I know nothing of your employment history, skills, education etc., but 10 years acting as a carer for two people means you must have a vast amount of experience dealing/navigating/negotiating/representing your parents' interests with various authorities and medical professionals. Don't overlook that. They are valuable skills as much as anything learned in a job.
While i'm on a little rant of insanity.

Went into my mums bank to give the death certificate. Now there was a few quid in the account so have to wait for probate.

To make things easier, i asked if i could open an account with them and when it was all sorted just switch the funds over?

Nope. Have to go online. Can't open a bank account in a bank anymore.

Sincerely sorry to read about all this mate...so tough...I can relate to some of what you're experiencing...please be sure to reach out to friends for support. Hope the journey at least finds a rhythm you can tolerate...best wishes
Condolences on the death of your mum. It's a tough time.

The job centre thing is ridiculous, hardly conducive to helping people back into work.

Re the cv, don't get too hung up on dates, as long as you don't have any long gaps that you can't explain. It's only really the last one or two roles that you need to give any real detail on, everything else can just be grouped together at the end. Some precision with dates will only matter if you're getting a job offer and the employer wants to get a reference from your previous place of work. And by that time you'll have been through interviews where you can explain any discrepancies and in any case, by then they'll have decided they want you anyway. CVs these days are all about your personal statement and using the right key-words from the job advert that get picked up on the first pass-through.
Obviously I know nothing of your employment history, skills, education etc., but 10 years acting as a carer for two people means you must have a vast amount of experience dealing/navigating/negotiating/representing your parents' interests with various authorities and medical professionals. Don't overlook that. They are valuable skills as much as anything learned in a job.

Cheers. Not too worried just found it idiotic and counterproductive. Surely the point of a job centre is to try and help people get into work?
Maybe not politics, but thought i'd share. Been a carer for my mum and dad for over10 years. Only child, dad got dementia, mum disabled.

Anyway both gone now. Mum a couple of weeks ago.

Went in the job centre today, just to ask for help updating my cv. Been so long can't remember dates, want to apply for jobs before the carers allowance is cancelled.

- are you on universal credit?
- no i'm still on carers allowance.
- you'll have to go on universal credit.
- i just want to try and get a job before the carers allowance runs out.
- we can't help you if you're not on universal credit. You'll have to cancel carers allowance.
- but universal credit is less than carers allowance.
- best thing to do. The day carers allowance runs out, apply for universal credit. Then we can help you.


Sorry to hear about your Mum mate.
Maybe not politics, but thought i'd share. Been a carer for my mum and dad for over10 years. Only child, dad got dementia, mum disabled.

Anyway both gone now. Mum a couple of weeks ago.

Went in the job centre today, just to ask for help updating my cv. Been so long can't remember dates, want to apply for jobs before the carers allowance is cancelled.

- are you on universal credit?
- no i'm still on carers allowance.
- you'll have to go on universal credit.
- i just want to try and get a job before the carers allowance runs out.
- we can't help you if you're not on universal credit. You'll have to cancel carers allowance.
- but universal credit is less than carers allowance.
- best thing to do. The day carers allowance runs out, apply for universal credit. Then we can help you.


very sorry to hear about your loss man! Terrible news. Not much useful I can really say but remember the good times with your folks, and remember that they are always with you in your thoughts, memories and dreams!
Cheers. Not too worried just found it idiotic and counterproductive. Surely the point of a job centre is to try and help people get into work?

I think the point of a job centre is to kick you in the balls again by flaunting at you that even the departs that work in the job centre have jobs! I'm not sure anyone has ever had a positive experience with them - I think they are deliberately designed to be Daniel Blake

But, no - really sorry to hear your news and good luck with this
Maybe not politics, but thought i'd share. Been a carer for my mum and dad for over10 years. Only child, dad got dementia, mum disabled.

Anyway both gone now. Mum a couple of weeks ago.

Went in the job centre today, just to ask for help updating my cv. Been so long can't remember dates, want to apply for jobs before the carers allowance is cancelled.

- are you on universal credit?
- no i'm still on carers allowance.
- you'll have to go on universal credit.
- i just want to try and get a job before the carers allowance runs out.
- we can't help you if you're not on universal credit. You'll have to cancel carers allowance.
- but universal credit is less than carers allowance.
- best thing to do. The day carers allowance runs out, apply for universal credit. Then we can help you.

Really sorry to hear about your mum. Positive vibes heading your way through cyberspace.

If you need help with CV, I'm more than happy to give it a proof read and constructive feedback. (Promise I won't mention Brexit!!)
Maybe not politics, but thought i'd share. Been a carer for my mum and dad for over10 years. Only child, dad got dementia, mum disabled.

Anyway both gone now. Mum a couple of weeks ago.

Went in the job centre today, just to ask for help updating my cv. Been so long can't remember dates, want to apply for jobs before the carers allowance is cancelled.

- are you on universal credit?
- no i'm still on carers allowance.
- you'll have to go on universal credit.
- i just want to try and get a job before the carers allowance runs out.
- we can't help you if you're not on universal credit. You'll have to cancel carers allowance.
- but universal credit is less than carers allowance.
- best thing to do. The day carers allowance runs out, apply for universal credit. Then we can help you.


Very sorry to hear that.

Not surprised about the job centre at all, they probably just read from a script and some guidelines. You'll probably find better advice on updating your CV online or on this forum. Happy to share my layout if it helps.
@Libaz sorry to hear of your loss man. Warmest wishes while you re-adjust and rebuild.

+ keep the CV clean and succinct - less is often more and helps the person reading it.
+ there is a lot to be said for a nicely presented CV I think - shows people care and have attention to detail.
+ write something about yourself and make it interesting/honest - as the interviewer will be drawn to these areas and is bound to ask questions on this. They want to know who you are after all.
+ well worth doing some voluntary work - gets you moving and busy, you'll build confidence in working in a team, and shows prospective employers you're on your toes.

You are a smart geezer so will have your pick of jobs no doubt!
It's an impediment because of the deal negotiated not because of Brexit itself, as you say there's many forms of it and this govt went for a very hard form of it mainly driven by ideology than rational thinking. I don't think anyone is claiming they don't want to trade and personally I wouldn't have negotiated such a hard brexit but there we are. It will take some years to work through some of these things and I daresay it probably needs a Labour govt to make the best of it.

Still clinging to the hope then :)

Let us be honest, it is not the deal that is the issue, it is Brexit itself. Softer exits/EU agreements just mean less disruption (but still disruption) with reduced sovereignty for the UK. A softer exit is essentially an admission that Brexit has failed in itself. Because these softer arrangements are like being in the EU, with no control over the direction of travel. The UK would be emailed new EU directives to implement, with no say over them.