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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

The impartiality rule was mentioned on the Today programme on Wednesday morning, after his tweet and the initial Tory MP response and I think it was Nick Robinson who was saying that the BBC impartiality rules apply to news journalists but not everyone else. If it’s actually in his contract then fair enough but I doubt it is. Maybe something about not bringing the BBC into disrepute at most might be.

I haven't seen the whole tweet, i think his language is a bit strong, other than that i don't have a problem with it.
If defending innocent people is bringing the bbc in disrepute then i give up.
So he's working for a corporation that he thinks is controlled by nazis.

You've managed to get yourself all levels of twisted up to continue maintaining the position you've taken up here lol no doubt this post is just banter / satire - Have you been taking lessons from @scaramanga ? The same Scara who pretends to know the ins and outs of BBC contracts and would fit in well with the current government for an incredible ability to never see / admit when he is outright incorrect.
Tories are loving this. Their "illegal migrant" policy is unworkable (who is going to accept the asylum seekers we don't want? and you can't return them to the country they are fleeing). While the furore continues it keeps the policy in the spotlight and demonstrates how "tough" they are while continuing to point and shout at the left wing "blob."
Tories are loving this. Their "illegal migrant" policy is unworkable (who is going to accept the asylum seekers we don't want? and you can't return them to the country they are fleeing). While the furore continues it keeps the policy in the spotlight and demonstrates how "tough" they are while continuing to point and shout at the left wing "blob."

Their plan was to point and shout at lawyers, judges and bureaucrats. Not at (checks notes) *every single popular sports personality used by the BBC for punditry* which really is something of an own goal, optics-wise.
It’s the most highly regarded broadcast institution on the planet bar none. Take aside any political arguments it’s the Everest summit of the industry

For media yes, for journalism i can't see it.
They are to afraid to stick their neck out, as this proves, tell the government to stop interfering.
Most people probably agree with Lineker, so it's not as if they will have a backlash.
You've managed to get yourself all levels of twisted up to continue maintaining the position you've taken up here lol no doubt this post is just banter / satire - Have you been taking lessons from @scaramanga ? The same Scara who pretends to know the ins and outs of BBC contracts and would fit in well with the current government for an incredible ability to never see / admit when he is outright incorrect.

Not really, not totally tongue in cheek, but not totally serious either.
He has compared them to nazis, those nazis are influencing his employer. That's the narrative isn't it?
That to my mind is dumb
As I've already said he is entitled to his opinions, he is entitled to air them, his employer is also entitled to disagree with him airing those opinions.
He knows this is thier policy, so either follow the policy or find another job.
I just don't understand the stooshie over what everyone knows, he can't suddenly act all surprised.
I don't disagree with what he said, do have issues with how he expressed them but thats another issue, its that he is acting surprised about how it is developing.
Not really, not totally tongue in cheek, but not totally serious either.
He has compared them to nazis, those nazis are influencing his employer. That's the narrative isn't it?
That to my mind is dumb
As I've already said he is entitled to his opinions, he is entitled to air them, his employer is also entitled to disagree with him airing those opinions.
He knows this is thier policy, so either follow the policy or find another job.
I just don't understand the stooshie over what everyone knows, he can't suddenly act all surprised.
I don't disagree with what he said, do have issues with how he expressed them but thats another issue, its that he is acting surprised about how it is developing.

"Controlled by Nazis" / "Compared them to Nazis"

Respectfully, given that you're continuing this route of summing the view up, I don't think you've actually read the tweet in question but are getting carried away with the hyperbolic overreaction, intentionally or otherwise I do not know.
"Controlled by Nazis" / "Compared them to Nazis"

Respectfully, given that you're continuing this route of summing the view up, I don't think you've actually read the tweet in question but are getting carried away with the hyperbolic overreaction, intentionally or otherwise I do not know.

He has compared them to nazis, as have several others, even naming certain politicians and saying they are nazis.
The situation has escalated because the party in question, labelled nazis, have stepped in and pressured his employer into taking action, ergo he is working for a corporation controlled by nazis.

Unfortunately you are taking everything I'm saying way too seriously.
Not really, not totally tongue in cheek, but not totally serious either.
He has compared them to nazis, those nazis are influencing his employer. That's the narrative isn't it?
That to my mind is dumb
As I've already said he is entitled to his opinions, he is entitled to air them, his employer is also entitled to disagree with him airing those opinions.
He knows this is thier policy, so either follow the policy or find another job.
I just don't understand the stooshie over what everyone knows, he can't suddenly act all surprised.
I don't disagree with what he said, do have issues with how he expressed them but thats another issue, its that he is acting surprised about how it is developing.

I won't get too involved in this convo, have purposely avoided this section within reason despite spamming other secions haha, mainly because its been a hotbed that led to me being called a right winger etc, but on this, as much as it pains as I am no fan, I do see Linekers side on this.

The laungauge used by the government does feed into that idea that there are one type and there are another type and that other type have lesser claim that others, its not too far detached from the language used by pre WW2 Germany and if either of us like it, it certainly feeds into the new NF types who then use it as a victory march (only have to spend 10 mins on twitter and listen to the cnuts like Tommy Robinson to know that)

I do get the matter of fact stance on his job and his contract, but alot of it is also subjective. Would saying "I stand with Ukraine" be seen as political? Would be pretty petty to think so but could be deemed to be if you wanted to get rid of someone. His comments on Imigration I found more human than political. The Tories are obviously guilty by association but then thats just as much a guilt complex at play than anything. The "Good heavens this is beyond awful" shows more compassion than it does anything else. Its also impossible to prove political bias as its an act under one government not another, you would have to wait for the others to get in to prove bias.

I get the rules of the company argument, I just think that its a pretty grim society that any company "state run" or otherwise could stop you having a humane POV. You are right about him walking if he don't like it and likely he will and I am sure he will

Did he actually use the word Nazi? Genuine question because I have seen him refer to Germany but not the word "Nazi", maybe missed a tweet somewhere but if its not, its interesting that every headline now contains "Nazi comparison" off their own back and not because he said it...again not seen the tweet so it could exist

Seems abit of sanitising of human nature, what is interesting is that human nature over the rules and contracts have come to to fore with his colleagues all jacking in their jobs or at least the options to continue currently. Tells a huge story there, you may be able to tell people what to say or not say, you can't tell them how to feel...Thats what happens when you deal with humans, not robots

Anyway, that's my 10pence worth
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