David Ginola
You see this is why I get frustrated trying to discuss these things with you, it's like trying to play chess with a pigeon.
I'll try one last time.
I don't want to force anyone to work overtime. I don't think that's a complex statement to understand. Please let me know if that phrasing isn't simplified enough.
I have plenty of unskilled labour that don't want to work overtime and that's not an issue at all. All I want is to only train and promote those that will work overtime. Those who won't can continue working as unskilled labour. Otherwise, when demand fluctuates, I end up paying skilled staff to do the work of unskilled staff for 90+% of their time.
I really don't think that's a hard concept to grasp - I even laid it out for you with some really simple numbers. Surely the owner of a £4m turnover business can understand simple economics and labour controls?
I don't really want to get into how you run things. But it seems to me your challange is the pool of skilled people is not big enough for peek production periods. What's wrong with training more 'unskilled' people and have them ready for the peek times? They could only be paid extra when there is the higher value work available.
Was driving back and the radio mentioned Video Games Tax Relief. I was wondering how can the UK tax man give tax relief if we apparently can not give tax breaks by sector while in the EU? Or is it only some sectors where we can't adjust taxation?