Diamond Lights
Gudni Bergsson
When you see the issues we are facing with 11% inflation, with those most deserving of pay rises being told to take the hit, you wonder how long we can keep this Brexit charade going for now.
I was trying to write a good point on this but i found the tweet instead. One day in the future we will be able to reasonably discuss Brexit. And i hope, those that voted for it, will be able to accept it wasn't what was sold on the tin. But i dont know if and when that day will come.
Ultimately, we have had very little, if any benefit. I mean, our Brexit Opportunities Minister labelled Hoovers with higher Kwh power as one of the benefits. We were going to give the 350M a week to the NHS (instead we all got whacked 1.5%), lowest G20 growth ahead of only Russia who have been sanctioned to brick. But until a reasonable discourse, mainly from those who supported it, can accept it was an error, we'll never get anywhere. By nearly every possible metric, the UK is fairing worse.
You know who has done well out of Brexit? Northern Ireland. Bigger growth than England and Scotland. If only we could figure out why...