Adel Taarabt
Maybe due to policies like this:
We only want it if it damages the Tories, but we don't want it want it...
A notGermanSo what do you drive now?
A notGerman
I don't really want to get into a conversation about what I drive - that kind of thing only ever ends up as a dingdong wagging contest.Yeah I guessed that From your last post. Doesn't really leave many good cars to choose from though.
So what do you drive now?
I'd fudging love a purple car but I don't have the front to drive one.I actually know.
You read that book Money? The main character drives an Italian car called a purple Fiasco ''a coupe with oodles of dash and heft and twang". And it breaks down a lot. How's the Maserati @Scara ? It's not purple is it.
I'd fudging love a purple car but I don't have the front to drive one.
I don't really want to get into a conversation about what I drive - that kind of thing only ever ends up as a dingdong wagging contest.
I'd rather just make the point that I'm happy to sacrifice reliability (possibly) and servicing cheapness to have something that isn't limited to an artificially low top speed (even though I've only ever gone near that a handful of times).
I'd fudging love a purple car but I don't have the front to drive one.
I actually know.
You read that book Money? The main character drives an Italian car called a purple Fiasco ''a coupe with oodles of dash and heft and twang". And it breaks down a lot. How's the Maserati @Scara ? It's not purple is it.
"to secure Labour’s position"
Says it all really...
I want a new car but parking it on the street not a million miles from Tottenham is problematic.
So what’s going to happen with Brexit? We need a poll:
- Hard
- Soft
- Runny
- Cancelled
Sitting on my porcelain throne using mobile app
To this day one of my life's greatest regrets is that I once saw an Ozwald Boateng suit in purple with lime green inner lining, on sale for £250 and didn't buy it. It fitted me perfectly but I convinced myself it wasn't made for someone as pale as me. Every single time I put on a suit (and I love some of my suits) I regret that decision.Purple is hard to carry off.
To this day one of my life's greatest regrets is that I once saw an Oswald Boateng suit in purple with lime green inner lining, on sale for £250 and didn't buy it. It fitted me perfectly but I convinced myself it wasn't made for someone as pale as me. Every single time I put on a suit (and I love some of my suits) I regret that decision.
Nobody has the numbers to force one.So the results are in: Parliament doesn't know its arse from its elbow.
So if May's deal goes down again, what then?
General Election?
Had a pair of purple trousers in 1969 paisley top and the beads!
It was a sight to behold!
Nobody has the numbers to force one.
With some of the mental wing if the Conservatives appearing to back May's deal without May, it looks like that or no deal.