Colin Calderwood
and people wonder where all the cash goes !!!
It's one big gravy train
And not for those that matter.
and people wonder where all the cash goes !!!
It's one big gravy train
How many extra nurses and even admin staff could you have for that money and even give the others a decent payriseAnd not for those that matter.
You can't run large budgets and staff numbers without some high level execs and they cost money - pocket change in comparison to overall budgets.How many extra nurses and even admin staff could you have for that money and even give the others a decent payrise
What we can't say is if they're effective or value for money without a properly competetive market. I can tell you that private health insurance costs less than the proportion of my income tax and NI that goes to the NHS and provides a significantly better level of care.
You can't run large budgets and staff numbers without some high level execs and they cost money - pocket change in comparison to overall budgets.
What we can't say is if they're effective or value for money without a properly competetive market. I can tell you that private health insurance costs less than the proportion of my income tax and NI that goes to the NHS and provides a significantly better level of care.
I think the solution is to localise health care and turn hospitals and gps into independent charities. Have them state funded, but autonomous. Apart from critical care, patients can choose where they go, and the more popular ones get more funding. But absolutely non-profit making
I can't believe how poor GP services are. Maybe I need to change GP. There is so little 'care' on offer. Unless you have something serious, you're processed without any semblance of 'customer care'. The chances are what you've contacted them for in less serious instances, is not addressed. NHS hospitals and care for serious conditions or issues is far far better. I don't know what the answer is, but GP services need a complete overhaul.
people tend to lump the whole NHS into one thing. It being considered as component parts would be a good step to appraising it. Many parts of it are exceptional. Some areas are poor. France etc have far higher successes with things like Cancers maybe because they have a semi-privatised GP system that picks things up easier. Here GPS are almost screeners for care and half their job is getting rid of people from an overloaded system.
This must be the most bizarre honours list ever, but blair really does beggar belief.How the fudge is that lying Cnut Blair now a Sir
This must be the most bizarre honours list ever, but blair really does beggar belief.
How the fudge is that lying Cnut Blair now a Sir
You should have more respect for your betters.Knighthoods have historically been given to all manner of criminals and n’er-do-wells, right from when the system was introduced. It could only exist in cap-doffing Britain. You only have to look at what the Duke of York has (allegedly…) been up to to see that a title means nothing.
It’s another feature of a corrupt governing system that should have been abolished decades ago.
I think it means a lot - there is no way he'd have been involved if he hadn't been a prince. If anything, it enabled it.Knighthoods have historically been given to all manner of criminals and n’er-do-wells, right from when the system was introduced. It could only exist in cap-doffing Britain. You only have to look at what the Duke of York has (allegedly…) been up to to see that a title means nothing.
It’s another feature of a corrupt governing system that should have been abolished decades ago.
Knighthoods have historically been given to all manner of criminals and n’er-do-wells, right from when the system was introduced. It could only exist in cap-doffing Britain. You only have to look at what the Duke of York has (allegedly…) been up to to see that a title means nothing.
It’s another feature of a corrupt governing system that should have been abolished decades ago.
I agreed with Laura an
Shows how little I follow the royals that I had to Google who the Duke of York was.
The guy who couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again?