David Ginola
And to give a bit more of the picture:
You have to ask, are Labor so impotent they can not gain some traction with this? They need to highlight the tax rises paying for Tory incompetence.
And to give a bit more of the picture:
I'm not sure I've ever seen evidence of that.Better governments pick winners than losers pick governments.
The big ships don't have to be in the middle of the channel - put them as close as they can get to Calais without running aground.Why do it at sea? If you are going to kill these people why not round them up after that have landed, line them up against the white cliffs and then you can shoot them with whatever floats your boat.
You have to ask, are Labor so impotent they can not gain some traction with this? They need to highlight the tax rises paying for Tory incompetence.
You have to ask, are Labor so impotent they can not gain some traction with this? They need to highlight the tax rises paying for Tory incompetence.
Now +1% on Conservatives according to today's poll.
You have to ask, are Labor so impotent they can not gain some traction with this? They need to highlight the tax rises paying for Tory incompetence.
whilst Labour are a brick show, it's even more embarrassing Joe Public isn't kicking up more of a fuss. Giving the tories a free pass because people got a wonderous brexit dividend for life is pathetic.
Of course, when they're shovelling The Sun, Mail and Telegraph into their brains, what do you expect. fudgein sheep.
Labor always have a slight handicap as the owners of newspapers are naturally inclined to side with the wealthy. But now more than ever papers are less important.
Frankie Boyle hit on it quite well, somewhere in this episode I think https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m00110tr/frankie-boyles-new-world-order-series-5-episode-1 Can't remember exactly what he says, but Stammer just needs anything to gain some publicity. Boris rides off on a flying fox, goes on TV, makes a tit out of himself, but at least the nation knows him. Stammer has no texture nothing to grab onto. Nothing for comedians to work with...and nothing to remember him by. I wrote the same on here probably a year ago. He needs to grab attention.
One way is to get angry about how Torys are sorting their mates out. The quarter of Tory MPs who make more than £4m a year are not entrepreneurs. THey are not hard workers. As a rule this is an elite who sort each other with behind closed doors contracts, offshore accounts and companies, and quick profits. They are not workers, they are takers.
Its an open goal for Stammer, I just don't think they have what it takes to use the media to their advantage.
I think the power of newspapers is underrated. Even though nobody actually buys them any more, they still shape the news agenda on TV and social media.
I think Labour's best approach would be to go for dignity, respect and seriousness - i.e. be the grown-ups in the room. The minute they start becoming aggressive or trying to compete on spin, they get outflanked. They just need substance, and to push popular policies like renationalisation and protecting people from the interests of big business (regulation and taxation to encourage localism, self-sufficiency, privacy rights etc.)
I think the power of newspapers is underrated. Even though nobody actually buys them any more, they still shape the news agenda on TV and social media.
I think Labour's best approach would be to go for dignity, respect and seriousness - i.e. be the grown-ups in the room. The minute they start becoming aggressive or trying to compete on spin, they get outflanked. They just need substance, and to push popular policies like renationalisation and protecting people from the interests of big business (regulation and taxation to encourage localism, self-sufficiency, privacy rights etc.)
Considering the hours an MP doing their job properly works and the amount of time spent away from home, I don't think they're at all well paid.so here's an interesting thought that was on the 'Oh GHod What Now' Podcast. Perosnally i think MPs are well paid in £80K+ bracket, but let's give them a payrise (not sure what figure) and then cut all secondary jobs. Done. You can't sit in Parliament and hold another role.
From the start of 2021 until 7 September, all of Sir Geoffrey's votes in Parliament were carried out by a proxy - although many MPs were voting by proxy during this period because of the pandemic.
He spoke in a debate in the House on 13 September, but since then he has missed over 30 divisions - where MPs vote - and only voted in one.
When it comes to remuneration, according to the Register of Members' Interests - where MPs have to declare other earnings outside Parliament - Sir Geoffrey was paid £156,916.08 before VAT for 140 hours work over the period he is understood to have been in the British Virgin Islands for Withers LLP.
He also earned over £280,000 with the same firm for almost 300 hours of work between January and July this year.
Sir Geoffrey also declared on the register that from 1 November he will receive £400,000 plus VAT annually from Withers LLP for up to 41 hours of work a month.
so here's an interesting thought that was on the 'Oh GHod What Now' Podcast. Perosnally i think MPs are well paid in £80K+ bracket, but let's give them a payrise (not sure what figure) and then cut all secondary jobs. Done. You can't sit in Parliament and hold another role.
Probably, but as we know, it doesn't matter. The Tories have their money.Sat and watched part of the debate yesterday afternoon (amendment to amendment on Owen Paterson).
They are very careful not to pre empt any findings of wrongdoing but Kier Starmer has asked for an inquiry into Owen Paterson’s link to Randox and how it came to pass they were offered a massive government contract.
Perhaps that will open the floodgates on reviews into the other contracts.