David Ginola
If you are going to argue something i said. Try and argue with what i actually said. Our services, banking, insurance etc... doesen't depend on distance.
Why can't we trade with both?
I love the mental gymnastics people do. The eu is the most protectionist economy on the planet. So do we want globalisation, or not? Should we have more trade with africa, help their economies? South america, asia. All places that have had far higher growth rates than the eu since we've been in it.
Anyway. Wasn't asking about brexit. That's done. Was asking what you thought about canzuk. Yes or no?
Even services are affected by distance to some degree. Having a face to face meeting in NewZealand vs Berlin or Paris. Time differences. And CO2 with flights. So EU trade over Canadian and Australasian trade every day of the weak.
Maybe the only advantage of Brexit is the UKs agility. Canzuk may not help the UK get leverage with the EU, just complicate matters further and slow us down.
So Canzuk is a little misguided I think.
The EU is probably the most open trading block for Africa with zero tariffs for the poorest nations to export to the EU! The US is far more protectionist.
maybe this will answer your questions about globalisation, regionalism is also a thing apparently https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2018/02/23/why-distance-matters-in-trade/