the prettiest spice girl
She has aspergers.
Is that one of those made up ones by lazy teachers to get an extra teaching assistant or patents to get extra benefits, sorry I mean support.
She has aspergers.
Labour has to stand for the interests of the global elite and big business, against the interests of working people and communities?
If they are being outflanked on the left by the Tories, moving to the right isn't a very clever thing to do. They'd be better pushing even further left on popular issues such as renationalisation and curbing the power of multinationals.[/QUOTE]
Both very good policies and it is absolutely what they should be doing.
To preaching for me and smug.
Not to mention stupid for being manipulated by her parents. I can forgive that a little because we were all manipulated a bit by our parents.
The is something very off about her.
Is that one of those made up ones by lazy teachers to get an extra teaching assistant or patents to get extra benefits, sorry I mean support.
She's a little girl ffs. Get a grip.
Aspergers is about as made up as Alzheimers
It is listen online as being socially awkward and having poor communication skills.
So made up by therapists wanting to create a new and lucrative field for themselves. The drugs company go along with it to make more money, teachers go along with it to get an even easier ride and parents who can not be bothered to parent their children go along with it for extra handouts and to absolve them of guilt for bad parenting.
It is clearly a scam darling.
Some good Brexit news, what do you know! The Booze cruise is back!
Can you get a ferry to Ireland now and get all the tax off your fags and Baileys?
Best one get a ferry to norway. Buy a load of booze on the way. Go in a pub sell it. Buy some on the way back.
You'll have a free ferry trip and free booze.
Asperger’s isn’t treated with drugs. And it’s a part of all of us. Some have identified Scara as being on the spectrum (some say we all are). Those with Autism often have ability to invent things (Newton and his brilliant brilliant mind were Autistic). Those on the spectrum can be highly perceptive; as they tend not to follow the crowd. Often free thinkers their genes are a crucial part of the human gene pool.
It is quite clearly a scam.
Rainman the film was a scam?what about this fellah?
It is quite clearly a scam.
You're the one who said there was something off about her.
Either there is something off about her or there isn't.
Said she was a smug witch who was being manipulated by her parents. Personality defects do not mean you have an illness. Well maybe with your woke generation it does.
Met plenty of people who I would say were a bit off. Can be myself at times but you know what I was told by my parents how to behave and fit in. Don't like making eye contact? Well me neither because I can not work out whether people are going to kiss or hit me or both.
Does not mean you have an illness. I know the is a need to make out that everyone is special and all that. But what is off about her is how she has been pushed forward by her parents and she herself thinks she is someone important.
It is phase 1 of their plan.
Phase 2 the monetise phase will come soon. A little cash cow has been born. Which I suspect was the plan all along.
She is a child who started a global climate movement. Pretty impressive in my opinion. She deserves nothing but praise.