David Ginola
That problem no longer exists as the Polish seller would not be charging VAT.
Meanwhile in the real world...
Clearly, in this instance the Polish seller did charge tax. So the problem does exist. Companies may or may not adopt new systems to allow for them not to charge tax when exporting. Some UK shops like Harrods offer this, and you have to claim it back at the airport or such like. It is not simple, it is not clean, it is not easy. Many sellers are simply not bothering selling to the UK. Hopefully all of this irons out. But the truth of the matter is, we got a hard Brexit which impairs trade. The option that no one initially thought was a viable route - a hard brexit. Even those who were staunchly pro-Brexit thought we'd have a softer version than we have ended up with. It affects everyone, so that if you want to buy a bike, your choice is now less with added costs. We have not been liberated from the EU, we are burdened by not being in it with oodles of brand new bureaucracy and added cost! An item that needed one form or no forms to export now takes UK companies significantly longer to export. And there is no upside yet. No Brexit benefit.