David Ginola
Come up with technological advances to stop polluting the planet and i will listen to you, otherwise not interested.
the youth-led worldwide climate movement has been nothing short of miraculous in terms of its effectiveness in shifting climate policy positions and debate.
People won't stop flying, people won't stop driving. They won't stop wanting the food they want, regardless of season and they won't stop buying items manufactured from all over the world.
What they will do is seamlessly switch to greener alternatives once technology has moved enough to allow it.
Same with BLM, we would not be talking about these things if they didn’t cause a stir. We are not interested in the mundane and polite. It is not newsworthy. We wouldn't be talking about technological advances, youth-led movements, challenges to environmentalism now was it not for them doing something people find outrageous. Buying adverts to raise awareness would cost a fortune and do less.
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