The MSM will tell us all, that it's all about Brexit - of course that's a large part of it but there's also the political correctness aspect to it all..The likes of the BBC will not want to show the public the other reasons as to why Labour did so poorly....
You can't reason with Cultural Marxists and their hate for nationhood.. They will brow beat you with accusations that you're evil to think as you do, accuse you of fascism for a light hearted comment or joke....Corbyn's Labour are seen as the Thought Police ...
The working class outside the cities, liked it when the likable lying rogue refused to apologise for his letter box and bum boy comments...
To see the eye bulging hysteria of the Labour MP's and also Liberals it has to be said, frothing at the mouth in their condemnation of him, was not a vote winner. To see Boris not going down on his knees begging for forgiveness was for many people, an at last, making a stand moment..
Imagine if the outcome of the election had been the complete opposite and it were a Corbyn Labour government in charge and also with a near 40 seat majority

It would seem, the re-education camps are on hold, well for now at least...