In reply to the first part of your post I'd just say that there's the internet, Books, life experience itself, like for most people I'd imagine?..Just asking for people not to binge up on the propaganda thrown out by the MSM such as the BBC and the like.
I like debate and due to the missus and a sister working in Education, I know plenty of teachers and their spouses and over the years have got to listen to some of their bat crazy ideas.
I wrote about illegal immigration only in response to you bringing up Farage's poster so that I could highlight the lack of response by the EU to the problem.. I've often told Remainers, that Merkel's unilateral invite was a major factor in helping to boost the Leave vote the following year..
Regarding calls for Turkey's EU membership. I did say, that for now, it's on hold. I would recommend you try to think in terms of the long game just as those who pull the strings do..
On the older folks lamenting ...Yes, I get all that, you've completely sussed me out

having not long ago read a book called The Unknown Warriors by Nicholas Pringle (2009) .. It's a good read, a collection of letters from Second World War veterans with memories of wartime and their thoughts on life since the end of the war and the feelings about the country today.
I feel we're at our best, for the children and the future generations, when we appreciate the trials and tribulations of our ancestors. I don't like how we dismiss them simply as racist evildoers, going about building empires.. It's part of the Cultural Marxist school curriculum to demonise the ancestors and to paint a distorted view of history. The children are being indoctrinated rather than being taught critical thinking .. There are no people and no major nation that has no flaws and yet you'd think from debating with some of the youngsters nowadays, the British invented slavery rather than being the first to abolish it!
Regarding - The lack of social cohesion.. It's real and not just a figment of the imagination of the old or do you think it is? ..
The other night I tuned into Sky News Channel - The Pledge, a current affairs debating show ...
There's six panelists, consisting of two black women, a Muslim Council of Britain member, a Pakistani man- they're berating the two defensive whites on the show, on just how very racist many of the white British people really are.. The anti-white attacks are never ending and it's on all the MSM... Should Corbyn become PM this will all go into overdrive

Finally in answering your Brexit question and immigration...Brexit is irrelevant to the mass immigration question as all the major parties are pro mass immigration!
If you have the time and can get yourself away from the MSM , give this video a watch...