Has Jacob Reese Mogg ever set foot in a council house? Was he wishing the poor burn? Like, if they are too stupid to get out let em burn! Never mind the fire rude boys were telling people to stay put.
Meanwhile, a member of Boris' government has been lying covering up his mate's *struggle cuddle*. Boris thinks Brexit is a ready meal; while Labour are going full left with Tom Watson jumping ship to become a diet guru.
What has happened to British politics?
Anything to show for that or are you making that up?So Tories are now covering up for accused rapists. Well I never...
Don’t think he meant you this time.Anything to show for that or are you making that up?
Fair play.
But unlike that poster they are not coming in in a queue.
And it's not like they can easily get into the UK without any papers. They are not legit migrants. Not really an issue for the UK is it?
Moreover, how will leaving the EU change people coming in the UK in refrigerated lorries illegally? What will it change? It's such a small number of people too.
The Turkey poster was a separate one, my bad. It said Turkey is joining the EU - 76 million. That was a lie.
I did clearly answer your question. Re-read the post? It is not racist to talk about immigration. Or to say we need to control it. I don't think anyone has said otherwise.
But we should be balanced. At the moment, Brits don't want to do the fruit picking, the cleaning up old people in care homes, the most menial of building jobs. That Brits don't do these jobs so much anymore is a bad thing according to your outlook? The issue is complex and its all well and good saying "less immigration" another thing if your Dad can't get care in hospital or our food is more expensive. On the flip side I agree that Remainers and liberals have not been able to understand that if you're driving a bus, and you see Poles coming over to the UK taking bus driving jobs and you don't get any pay rises for a decade, then you have every right to have issues with free movement. I'm not sure EU migration will be as great as it was previously tho. There was a period when Germany, France etc opted out of free movement, but we chose - in the UK - not to. So we had a disproportionate number. And now eastern Europe is better off as well.
So look, what I am trying to say is its complex. Immigration brings positives and Brexit really does nothing to address the issue most people are concerned with. That is why Farage has distanced himself. What is the answer? I really don't know. We live in a densely populated nation. It is not unreasonable to put those who live here now first, but we need some immigration to keep services, food production, diversity etc. What is your solution?
Illegal migrants who've migrated into Europe are generally here to stay. Only minute numbers are ever deported or turned around at the point of entry..In time, more than 50% become European, legally. The rest just go AWOL and find an illegal way to meld in to society. Germany and Britain, are the most popular final destinations for illegal migration due to the liberal response of governments.
If you want to look more into this , (it's a difficult read I have to tell you )...Look it all up in The UN Refugee Agency papers and you will find that the forcible return of asylum seekers and unlawful migrants into Germany, the United Kingdom and Western Europe is virtually zero in percentage terms ...
Eventually Turkey will join the EU, what's the argument against it?.. EU federalists want it, just they're not so loud about it at the moment due to the misgivings surrounding the presidency of Erdogan.
Immigration is a complex issue, on that I'm with you. I'm also with you when you say you do not have all the answers.. What I do know however, is that an annual 500,000 addition to the population ( +200,000 births, in the births to death ratio + 300,000 immigration) is not sustainable and for many people, thanks to our 'centrist politicians and state indoctrination , is the elephant in the room..None of the main political parties object to these immigration numbers and none of them, want it to stop and that is why, anyone or any political party opposed to their immigration policies is deemed racist, bigoted.
Just the other day, a childless gay woman MP of the SNP, (they're meant to be nationalist but ssshhh they're globalist marxist), stood up in the HOC and elucidated with such pride and vigor, that her Aberdeen constituency is no longer predominantly white, that people from all over the world now reside there and that children's classrooms are filled with diversity, a myriad of languages .. All her surrounding comrades nodding and grinning their approval...
These are generally the same sort of politicians who continually bleat on, that there's not enough affordable homes, sky high rents. That we need more schools, that the NHS is at breaking point blah blah blah and that we need bigger government and more taxation of the few (they mean most of us) to sort it all out!
In reply, to your best solution question.. I say, don't rabidly follow the BBC and other mainstream propaganda media. Stay away from the Guardian, Buzzfeed, Vox and other leftist propagandists, who will have you believing their utopian fantasies that the world's problems will all but disappear once the insignificant bigoted Gammon has died off. Keep an eye out on the state education indoctrination of our children .
Social cohesion is at all time low with not enough policing on the streets to deal with the crime and there's antagonisms going on between differing groupings across the country.. Minorities pulling their way in different directions. I often travel up north as my other half is from Durham and I see Balkanisation and not assimilation. The cultural and demographic change is vast and has been, is, too fast so for my solutions - it's probably to late...
Of our freedoms that are left, I envisage them in the years ahead to be further eroded, Chinese authoritarian style.. We will have a social credit system eventually implemented, where a debate such as ours could see us both on the naughty list...
Rant over,you keep well.....
This doesn't look good for comrade Jezza and his band of merry anti-Semites.
Why is it that the people who are so obsessed with castigating Israel are always so bad at spelling it? Is reali weird.
If you think that's the only thing Labour MP's are guilty of them you've not been paying attention.Speaking to my Rabbi swimming buddy he said "its more to do with Isreali/Mossad meddling on behalf of the Tories. A continuation of the Trump charm offensive by Netanyahu."
Not liking Isreali politics and their poor treatment of Palestine and the Palestinians does, not make you an "anti-Semites"
So give it a bloody rest with all this victim crap or we will have you move to Liverpool!
If you think that's the only thing Labour MP's are guilty of them you've not been paying attention.
I have no issue with the abuse of religion (note: not discrimination, as it isn't) as you well know.There is discrimination. Suck it up! I live it!
I hate all religion. especially when it's used for political gain.
I have no issue with the abuse of religion (note: not discrimination, as it isn't) as you well know.
I do take issue with large parts of the Labour party discriminating against people because of their ancestry - something that is definitely happening.
"Muslim" is the description of someone's religion and therefore fair game.claptrap
it's the same the whole world over!
like anti-Muslim in the tories, it's rubbish or should one say ’normal’ in any large group or organisation!
press claptrap
Why is it that the people who all re so obsessed with castigating Israel are always so bad at spelling it? Is reali weird.
Spelling! Being dyslexic I say you can go kucf yoself!
I see our token Nazi is back on the scene.
won’t be long until @scaramanga is rounding up train loads of dyslexics and imprisoning them in death camps....