David Ginola
Well there are a few out there already but I can't comment a whole lot on how well they are viewed. The Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) and Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) are two. Whatever takes hold in place of GDP, which is only about 80 years old itself, will not find easy adoption. We've all been brainwashed into assuming growth and measuring a country's production equates to quality of life.
We will need to step away from the production and consumption model (@Gutter Boy will be glad to hear I espouse this view too) into something more sustainable before we're all dead. Kate Raworth's book is on my list and on the face of it it sounds like a good model to adopt.
Will check out these metrics! SOunds good.
Not sure how we step away from production and consumption 'model'. Not only is it a model we've been following for 100 years in the west, it is possibly something that is fundamental to being human. Possibly a more realistic path is to evolve and develop consumption. And maybe the seeds of it are already here. What is the ultimate in consumption? ...more of less. You could say it is the last stage of consumption. For example, what do many wealthy people choose as their style of interior design? Minimalism. Give me more of less.
There is a natural instinct from people where they want cleaner and more simplistic consumption. Local, organic food. Clean living with fewer objects and clutter. So I think humans can evolve their consumption fashions, to become more sustainable, and this is more realistic than ripping up and starting again, which probably won't happen.