Ricky Villa
@Danishfurniturelover my apologies. Drink mischief is my game at the moment.
Does your wife have a British passport?
(serious question)
Does your wife have a British passport?
(serious question)
If it is only a trading block then maybe the UK should get in on the action.
@Danishfurniturelover my apologies. Drink mischief is my game at the moment.
Does your wife have a British passport?
(serious question)
Good. Some long resident Irish in the UK don't have one. Up to now that didn't make a whole lot of difference, but that might change from what I've heard. Your son should get an Irish passport if he is allowed, for traveling if nothing else.She does
She has lived in UK for 30 years. But as you know Britain and Ireland have a free travel agreement that predates the EU.
My son only has British passport not an Irish one. He is welcome to get one if he wishes.
The security one made me laugh. Not really a useful bargaining chip. Because if we refuse to cooperate with our European partners on security all we do is risk a dangerous tit for tat where they let their terror suspects, smugglers and other low life to wander into Britain without sharing any intelligence.Just the things it would have been morally reprehensible for us to try and politicise then.
'Where do I go?' EU citizens face legal limbo after decades in Britain
I know this will still thankfully be the minority but what a lovely and open country we're becoming with this whole Brexit debate.
The security one made me laugh. Not really a useful bargaining chip. Because if we refuse to cooperate with our European partners on security all we do is risk a dangerous tit for tat where they let their terror suspects, smugglers and other low life to wander into Britain without sharing any intelligence.
Endangering our country by p1ss balling with security is a step too far even for the brexiteers. Although with them salivating at the prospect of turning us into a tax haven I guess nothing is off the table.Always the option to pull out our missiles in eastern Europe protecting Europe from Russia. Make them realise that we offer a lot to Europe and perhaps they should understand how much we offer as a willing partner.
Boris is to pussy to negotiate properly.
Time to revoke Article 50 and be done with it. The damage the tory party has done to this country since 2010 knows no bounds. There was no need for a referendum in the first place, only called by David Cameron to try and appease some of the old tories in the 1922.
The country has been screwed over. The country is torn, a massive rise in the far right, a rise an racism and more. All caused by this bull brick.
Sadly the opposition is also currently incompetent.
What a mess.
Endangering our country by p1ss balling with security is a step too far even for the brexiteers. Although with them salivating at the prospect of turning us into a tax haven I guess nothing is off the table.
So of they willingly departed - to a country which has recently introduced 'slave labour' legilsation allowing employees to make you work 400 hours of overtime a year without pay.
Can you fax Scara the details?
The country is torn because the people that lost never accepted the result.
The way they behaved since means the gloves are off. No general election or referendum after will mean anything. If a side loses they can just refuse to accept.
Democracy died thanks to remoaners. Now we will have the rise of more extreme parties, because it has been proved you stop things you don't want to happen just by stamping your feet and moaning like a petulant child.
They can borrow oursWhat else would the Ryder cup team play when they win?
Except that most of the anti-terrorist intelligence in Europe comes from us. The EU would be significantly more in danger than the UK if we were to withdraw our support for their woefully inadequate security services.The security one made me laugh. Not really a useful bargaining chip. Because if we refuse to cooperate with our European partners on security all we do is risk a dangerous tit for tat where they let their terror suspects, smugglers and other low life to wander into Britain without sharing any intelligence.
I've just graduated from Uni and met loads of people from Europe whilst I was there, most of whom cited Brexit uncertainty as the reason they would not be staying afterwards.
In particular I knew quite a few Hungarian's and I was especially shocked they were choosing to go back to quite an openly corrupt country rather than stay here. They'd even spoke to me about the levels of corruption Some of them were true Anglophiles and I couldn't understand why they wouldn't stay. But they said not knowing whether you would try and lay down roots only to be deported meant it wasn't a viable option.
So of they willingly departed - to a country which has recently introduced 'slave labour' legilsation allowing employees to make you work 400 hours of overtime a year without pay.
Shame as they were incredibly intelligent people, and by far the hardest workers I know. But Brexit means Brexit!
I've just graduated from Uni and met loads of people from Europe whilst I was there, most of whom cited Brexit uncertainty as the reason they would not be staying afterwards.