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***OMT- Tottenham Hotspur vs Emirates Marketing Project*****

To be fair to the ref he's held his composure very well. The first few he gave us were 50-50s (or a bit worse!) and the City players and fans got on his back big time, but since then every decision has been clear cut to me and he hasn't wavered in the face of the babies throwing their toys out the pram.
Great first half from us! Yes we've been lucky, but we worked hard and frustrated City, and the lead is not entirely undeserved. I expect a completely different Cit team in the second half though. They will be all over us from the start. The first 15 minutes will be vital.

Also: It's not only our home fans that boo at halt time!
The hate for Dempsey is fantastic, I suppose we need someone ready to blame if it goes wrong.

The bottom line is he isn't performing. Worse for me is that he doesn't look like he's busting a gut to put in a performance. He seems to drift about not really doing anything.
Sorry, can you point to anything positive he's actually done today? In a game like this you need 11 players putting their arse on the line playing their hearts out. We have 1 passenger out there and it's gonna cost us at some point.

He's working hard, and allows us to have a player that both gives us a midfield trio without the ball plus a duo up front while in attack
He's not easy on the eyes though and doesn't stand out as he can't do anything spectacular with the ball at feet.
Been decent defensively. Your never going to stop a team as talented as City having chances and they've had two of note that they've fluffed completely.

Could have had a penalty against us, but ref unsighted, but Emirates Marketing Project have been giving away little fouls all over the pitch, think they're getting rather frustrated which is good for us as they keep hoofing it to Brad/ off the pitch.

Attacking third hasn't been that great for us. Adebayor playing well, inspired choice by AVB. Lennons getting on the ball and making some things happen, but Bale is mia, as is Dempsey.
"In front of me, Spurs coach Steffen Freund leaped about 10ft in the air when the ball slowly bounced in."

I think avb puts in players to take up space or to tease the opposition out of position. In today's game Dempsey is just farting around toure and forcing him wide to get involved. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I've set up my teams like this before to good effect.
We made the game tetchy, and put the players and fans on edge. If City don't recover in the first fifteen or twenty minutes of the second half, expect more yellows, and very probably a red. For which side, though, I don't know.

Team's doing well when it comes to soaking up City pressure, but I'd wager AVB puts Defoe on for Dempsey at the sixty, sixty-five minute mark. Defoe works just as hard when out of possession and will be a formidable threat on the counter.

Emirates Marketing Project won't play that badly 2nd half. We're gonna need some luck and good counter attacking in order to win this. COYS!
Bale has been invisible. The attack is only going through the right, Lennon on the right and Adebayor everywhere else.

Bale getting a pass for simply "being Bale" but where has he been except for that one run where he took on 4 players and lost the ball?
He's working hard, and allows us to have a player that both gives us a midfield trio without the ball plus a duo up front while in attack
He's not easy on the eyes though and doesn't stand out as he can't do anything spectacular with the ball at feet.

Rosenthal - everytime someone tries to justify his selection they always discuss WHAT HE IS MEANT TO DO and hat his strengths are but HE ISNT DOING THAT so he shouldnt play.

If a striker plays he is MEANT TO SCORE but if he doesnt he doesnt play and you bring in another striker.

Like i say the alternative is Sig he is even worse so ill keep Dempsey as he is PRONE to scoring a goal.

Ade has defended well so put him in behind defoe.
Bale has been invisible. The attack is only going through the right, Lennon on the right and Adebayor everywhere else.

Bale getting a pass for simply "being Bale" but where has he been except for that one run where he took on 4 players and lost the ball?

To be fair to city they are set up with quite a few defensive players in midfield. They are congesting it and we are not really being given any space to run into. Or it could be that we are pushing them deep too!