Chiellini was incredibly brave, strong, wily, in the right place, just like that other b*****d John JT Terry.
Dier badly hurt his right elbow when Matuidi beat him to a header and landed on him. Dier had it heavily bandaged and could not move freely for half the match, that is why his midfield presence faded.
Alli got clobbered by Chiellini, that is why he faded.
Son got clobbered by Barzagli, that is why he faded.
Allegri had a very strange idea, allowing Son to run at the 36 year old Barzagli for an hour!!! But then he changed it around and put on Leichsteiner and within seconds they were ahead.
We have the players, we have a lot of assets, but somehow it doesn't click and we don't make the most of our dominance.
We should have fallen over a lot more to kill the game off in the second half. They kicked hell out of us and then scored, we should have been stifling, boring, falling, winding them up, then breakaway with pace and score. Almost all their players were booked but none saw red. Wily.
The time when you would expect them to throw everything at us would have been after Sonny's goal. But they did not/could not. Nor did they come out after halftime guns blazing. So, although I partially agree with your position, I still think that the game was unfolding in such a way that didn't point to Juve even coming close to threatening us, much less scoring. If anything, we looked the more likely team to score and put the tie completely to bed. So why disrupt that by making changes?
Hindsight is wonderful, but if I were Poch, the only thing I would change would be to tell the team at halftime "this is easy, but concentrate, concentrate, concentrate!" Which he might have told them for all we know, but sometimes human nature is such that when something is too easy you take it for granted.
Good luck with that bet this summer mate.I dont 'like' the way they play, I love the way they play. Great skills and allied to grit and determination and they have a practicality to them that is missing at Spurs ATM.
Alway have a bet on Italy in the world cup as they tend to have that 'get the job done' mentality. Mourinho at Inter was outstanding before he lost the plot later at Real.
I'd agree to disagree then. With 2 goals up, as soon as the momentum shifted, I would have liked us to take action. A game is a relatively short time. Making quick subs or getting instructions on instantly should be viable. Moreover, pre-planning to be able to move into a defensive formation as and when needed - either at half time, or pre-match, - makes sense to me. Easy to say in hindsight, but had we done that, we would have won the tie at a canter imo.
Almost all their players were booked but none saw red. Wily.
Good luck with that bet this summer mate.
I'd agree to disagree then. With 2 goals up, as soon as the momentum shifted, I would have liked us to take action. A game is a relatively short time. Making quick subs or getting instructions on instantly should be viable. Moreover, pre-planning to be able to move into a defensive formation as and when needed - either at half time, or pre-match, - makes sense to me. Easy to say in hindsight, but had we done that, we would have won the tie at a canter imo.
Still sick over this result. There is always one result a season that seems to stick in my craw.
He should be able to use his aura perception.The goal came from the sub decking son leaving him space to gallop into and cross.
Don t see how poch can foresee that.
I saw Son lying on the flooor after a couple of off the ball incidents but only now know why... Dirty fudgerIf the officials had seen it and sent him off then he wouldn’t have had the the chance to clear Kane’s header off the line in the 90tg minute!
Straight Red in the Prem..deliberate intention to put the player out of action or worse!
Or if it had been done to The Goons.Straight red anywhere.
The BT Sport talking heads just laughed all that brick off at half time as "just the Italians being Italians", more or less. Can imagine the inquiry we'd be having if Dele had done it.
No..Have you not seen the punch from Lichtensteiner ?
No=one,as far as I could see, wilted under the Juve assaults - even Eriksen. We certainly didn't kick, stamp and punch back like they did. But next year, with this learning experience, we will.We should have had Wanyarma in the midfield..he,s big enough to stand up to their intimidation tactics..
Poch should have brought Sisoko on and Lamela early on kick back..anyway...brick