Vic Buckingham
What do people think of a Clockwork Orange?
One of the greatest films of all time. Kubrick is an absolute legend. The music is fantastic, and the rhythm of the film just epic...
What do people think of a Clockwork Orange?
The film is about as good an adaptation of the book as I think can be made whilst still making it watchable.
Interesting fact - The UK version of the book has 24 chapters, whilst the US-made version of the movie (and the US book I believe, might be wrong though.) only portrays the first 23 chapters. The missing final chapter completely alters the overall moral of the book, from a story of a young man growing out of his childish, thuggish, anti-social behaviour, to one of success by the state's behavioural-changing torture methods.
The Hobbit into 3 films is just ridiculous, but I'm done with LotR anyway. For me everything to do with A song of Ice and Fire has blown it away, and I just don't enjoy Tolkien as much.
I found the Hobbit to be poor next to LotR anyway, and like you say the films became a hard watch, so can't see Hobbit being anything more than a DVD watch for me
I loved Drive, style over substance massively but decent action, awesome soundtrack, nice bit of violence, story isn't great but I don't think that was ever the directors intentions. Oh and Carey Mulligan and the ginger bird from Mad Men ohhmphhhh
Ted - quite funny, loads of good one liners, I suppose it's very Family Guy in its humour.