Chelsea, Everton, Emirates Marketing Project, Man Utd, Norwich, Spurs - 13/1
Guy I work with won a 19 team footy accy yesterday
He wont say how much he won, knowing what he is like he never bets less than ?ú10, we think it could be 6 figures !!!!
?ú10 on 19 odds on favourites would still be a whopper of a payout. Has he shown anyone the betslip?
Always think it's important to have something physical as a reward otherwise wants the point ?
Anyone else do the same ?
I usually make sure the kids and wife get a treat. But they've had some recently - my turnI don't think i've ever treated myself after a big win. The last large amount I won went towards my car insurance/tax/mot and service then a trip to the dentist the following day. I'm hoping to win enough now before July to pay for my golf membership even though i've not played at the course since June 2010 #-o