Lull him into a false sense of security, get him drunk, then down the tattoo parlour for a very much visible Paulinho tribute? I like your style Pura.If interested, behind-the-scenes tour of CNN Center next time. And beers.
If interested, behind-the-scenes tour of CNN Center next time. And beers.
Lull him into a false sense of security, get him drunk, then down the tattoo parlour for a very much visible Paulinho tribute? I like your style Pura.
cheers mate...i'm there a quite a bit so i'll take you up on that offer![]()
I got a reply from Benny! You sort of have to click the link to fully appreciate his answers. Sorry if there is a better way of posting this on this board. Just now sure how. But here is the link to his response: BENNY LIVES!
I think Benny will be the new Gomes.
Monkey, monkey, monkey, thought cloud, crying?
Yea I posted that a couple of pages back.I wonder if Bennie's disappearance is related to this:
If interested, behind-the-scenes tour of CNN Center next time. And beers.