fudging gay
I despise Movember
It's no longer an awareness event, or a charitable drive
It's just a load of facebook tacos growing spastic facial hair
* Happy smilie. Not suggesting anybody on here is a taco
I agree, but it's hardly a chore is it?
Proper charity that people want me to sponsor them for involves sacrifice of some kind, time/dedication/bravery etc.
Not just being a lazy c**t and expecting wedge in return!
Just sayin!
But it's a great cause and anything that raises money for charidy is a good thing of course!
Hang on, from Leeds... volunteers at a hospital... gives to charity... :-kTo add, I give £3k a year to charity and volunteer for St. Gemma's Hospice and St. Anne's in Leeds.
Hang on, from Leeds... volunteers at a hospital... gives to charity... :-k
(Too soon for that?)
Anyway, my tache would be very much Lebanese pimp, so I won't be participating.
Hang on, from Leeds... volunteers at a hospital... gives to charity... :-k
(Too soon for that?)
Anyway, my tache would be very much Lebanese pimp, so I won't be participating.
I've raised over £1000 for the last three years running. I'd say it is a charitable event!
Actually, I'd go further than that... It is the ONLY mens health charity with any real exposure to the public and is absolutely necessary.
The idea is to shave it off tonight then let it grow during November.
None of his Motember-Motober nonsense please.
Respect the rules and give freely.
Disagree, the amount of people I've managed to take part in it by telling them not to worry about shaving on first. As long as you only havea beard up until 1st November I think it is fine. Seriously, the amount of people that will happily grow a beard and then have a big moustache but refuse to grow one from scratch is amazing. At the end of the day, it is for charity, so the more the merrier.
Plus, it's fudging BORING everybody ending up with little bits of fluff on their face... It takes dedication and a good few months to get a proper mo on!
A beard and a moustache are not the same thing